Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) Informational Summit on Hiatus

After hosting the Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) Informational Summit for the past 10 years for NSU faculty and staff, ESS will be taking a hiatus during this summer. ESS will not host a 2019 ESS Summit but will use this time to reassess the event. In the meantime, as the university’s central administrative unit, ESS remains dedicated to information sharing, exchange of ideas, and collaboration across the university. NSU faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to:

  • Visit ESS CommunityNet, the ESS internal website for NSU faculty and staff (SharkLink ID and password required).
  • Attend the Administrative Student Services General Council (by dean appointment).
    This council is chaired by the university registrar, Elaine Poff, and attended by representatives from all colleges and administrative units to exchange ideas, discuss policies and procedures, and propose and implement university-wide enrollment management processes and procedures.

For questions and suggestions, please use the feedback form on ESS CommunityNet.