Learn from the Pros: Miami Dolphins and NSU Hosts Careers in Sports Series – April 17

You’re invited to attend the 2019 Careers in Sports Lecture Series, co-hosted by NSU and the Miami Dolphins.
Careers in Sports: Brand U – Building Your Personal Brand
April 17, 2019 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Athletics Building, Conference Room – NSU Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus
No matter what profession you are looking to enter, it’s important to consider what image your brand tells prospective employers and your community. Kaleb Thornhill and Robyn Summers, from the Miami Dolphins Player Engagement staff, will be sharing their expertise with NSU students and answering the following questions: How do you develop your brand? How do you know what you want to be known for? What does a successful personal brand look like? How does social media help or hurt when job searching?
The Careers in Sports Lecture Series is free and open to the NSU students. Seating is limited, and RSVPs are required.
Click here to reserve your seat.