Halmos Dean Honors Black History Month in Broward County

Broward Mayor Dale V.S. Holmes, Willowstein Lawson, former regional coordinator for Senator Nelson, and Halmos College Dean Richard Dodge, Ph.D.

On Thursday, February 13, Black History Month was celebrated with the Broward Black Elected Officials (BBEO). Attending was Halmos College Dean Richard Dodge, Ph.D. The title of the event was “Forward Together Uniting the Diaspora”. This community event featured special presentations by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Congressman Alcee L. Hastings.

BBEO is a not-for-profit organization created to galvanize Broward County’s black elected officials around socio-economic issues affecting those most impoverished in our community. Past-President Levoyd Williams and the team of elected officials at the time the organization was established, saw the need for a countywide collaborative effort as an effective strategy for leveraging solutions to help people living in underserved neighborhoods. Over the years, BBEO has continued its legacy of providing a wide range of resources to help the residents of Broward County.