Department of Emergency Medicine Provides COVID-19 Training

As a supplement to the already-existing South East Area Marine Industry Safety Training (SEAMIST) grant, the KPCOM’s Department of Emergency Medicine’s SEAMIST team received additional funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for COVID-19 training. The grant was awarded as a collaborative project with Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. The Department of Emergency Medicine will receive $135,000 of the $172,000 awarded.

SEAMIST trainings typically address marine industry workers’ awareness of hazardous waste materials and how to handle the chemicals they deal with in their work environments. Due to the pandemic, free COVID-19 awareness trainings will include topics such as workplace exposure, prevention, and virus protection.

Since the trainings began, 10 sessions have been done via Zoom and encompassed more than 700 participants. The four-hour training sessions are done with a live trainer and will continue through July 31, 2021.

Interested participants can contact Philyppe Carre at