HCAS Biology Major a Winner for Poster Presentation at the Chemical Sciences Symposium of South Florida American Chemical Sciences
Brian Kim, a Biology major in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS) was announced a Winner for a poster presentation at the virtual Chemical Sciences Symposium of the South Florida American Chemical Sciences (SoFLACS) 2020, hosted by Larkin University, Miami, FL. The theme of the conference was the Evolution of Immunity. Other students on the project included Rohan Muchintala and Owayne Haughton. The faculty mentors were Arthur Sikora, Ph.D., and Santanu De, Ph.D., Assistant Professors in HCAS. Both mentors attended the conference.
The project topic was entitled, Novel Assessment Strategies for Biochemistry Courses Using the Research-Based Biochemistry Authentic Student Inquiry Lab (BASIL) Model.
Brian Kim, Rohan Muchintala, Owayne Haughton, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora
Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS), Nova Southeastern University