NSU Writing and Communication Center Graduate Assistant Coordinator Publishes Article in Southern Discourse in the Center

Emma Masur, NSU Writing and Communication Center (WCC) Graduate Assistant Coordinator, published “Course Embedded Tutoring, New Genres, and the Small College Environment: An Exploration and Reflection” in Southern Discourse in the Center: A Journal of Multiliteracy and Innovation, vol. 24, no. 2, Fall 2020. Masur is a graduate student in the Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) master’s program in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences (HCAS).

 Masur’s article highlights a grassroots course-embedded tutoring program at Transylvania University, a small liberal arts university in Lexington, Kentucky. Masur’s article outlines the impact of Course Embedded Consultation (CEC) work in an Introduction to Classical Rhetoric course throughout the 2019 Fall semester. Masur’s surveys and used firsthand observations revealed five major themes relating to CECs: student writer growth, student writer confidence, promotion of collaborative learning, faculty education on the importance of the Writing Center, and representations of the Writing Center. Masur’s analysis demonstrates the positive and measurable impact that CEC work has on students within composition and rhetoric courses.

Masur attributes Transylvania University peers and mentors for their support through her research. She explained, “I am so thankful for the opportunity to publish undergraduate research in a highly renowned academic journal such as SDC. The experience of publishing undergraduate research this early in my higher education career has shown me that my voice as a peer tutor is valued, and my perspective is an important means of furthering conversations surrounding course-embedded peer tutor support. I would not have been able to accomplish this feat without the guidance and support from both my peers within the TUWC, as well as my advisor and professors in Transy’s Writing, Rhetoric and Communication Program.”

You can read “Course Embedded Tutoring, New Genres, and the Small College Environment: An Exploration and Reflection” by clicking here.

To learn more about the NSU WCC, please visit https://www.nova.edu/wcc/.

To learn more about the CRDM master’s program, visit https://hcas.nova.edu/academics/graduate/masters/composition-rhetoric-digital-media.html