Public Health Faculty Members Inducted into Honorary Society

Dr. Claudia Serna-2020

Three Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine public health faculty members—Maria F. Montoya, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Stacey M. Pinnock, D.H.Sc., M.S.W.; and Claudia A. Serna, Ph.D., D.D.S., M.P.H., MCHES, CPH—were inducted into the Alpha Xi Chapter of the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health. The organization was founded in 1924 to promote the graduate study of public health and to recognize outstanding achievement in the field. Members are inducted by chapters through a highly selective process that assesses their outstanding performance and devotion to the field. To maintain the society’s credibility, chapters are limited in the number of members they may induct each year.