Help Us Make Fall 2021 Look More Like Fall 2019

If you’ve been vaccinated, click here to voluntarily report your vaccination status to NSU and support our effort to create a better, safer on-campus experience this fall. If we hit our 80% goal of vaccinations for on-campus students at each of our campuses by August 1, we will be able to have more events on campus without the need for face coverings or social distancing.

Reporting your vaccination status is as simple as logging in with your NSU ID and answering a few quick questions.

If you are regularly in contact with students, please encourage them to voluntarily report their vaccination status to help us achieve this goal on time.

Also to note:

  • As announced in an email by the president, BlendFlex will not continue in the fall and all classes will be in-person again. If we don’t reach the 80% goal of on-campus students at each campus reporting they’ve been fully vaccinated, we will be back in the classroom but with safety measures still in place.
  • The 80% goal is not cumulative – each campus must individually have 80% of on-campus students reporting that they’ve been fully vaccinated so that we can end the safety protocols and have no masks.

Do your part and click today to help us make Fall 2021 look more like Fall 2019. As NSU Sharks, we can all work together to make this vision a reality.