Halmos Student Takes Her Research to Multiple Conferences

Emma Heineman, a political science student in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center, presented her research at several conferences. Her paper titled “Women in States Legislatures: The Effect of Female Representation of State Abortion Restrictions,” focuses on the ways that female legislators influence abortion policy.

Emma Heinemann

The first conference she presented at was the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference. This was her first experience presenting outside of NSU.

“The conference not only gave me the opportunity to showcase my work, but also provided me with the chance to network with other students, faculty, and researchers from across the country,” she said.

She had the opportunity to present as an undergraduate researcher at the Florida Political Science Association Annual Meeting, as well as at both the Undergraduate Student Symposium and the Annual Crossroads Humanities Student Conference at NSU.

“Before this year, research wasn’t something I ever saw myself pursuing, but the experiences I have had conducting and presenting my own research have sparked a passion that I hope to continue in the future,” she said. “It has allowed me to expand on the incredible opportunities I have had at NSU and has truly been one of the highlights of my undergraduate experience. I want to thank both the Department of Humanities and Politics and Dr. Edwards for the support they have provided me and look forward to continuing my research in the future.”