Halmos Doctoral Student Lectures at Naval Postgrad School

Kevin Peters, M.A., M.B.A.

Kevin Peters, M.A., M.B.A., doctoral student in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS), in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center, gave a lecture at the Naval Postgraduate School in the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Peters lectured in a Comparative Democracies class comparing how four other stable democracies (Botswana, Chile, Japan, and Norway) have confronted significant homeland security challenges (a public health event, an active shooter situation, and a natural disaster).  His lecture focused on getting senior homeland security practitioners (Command Staff and Senior Executive equivalents) to think about how to leverage a whole of government approach to confronting emerging homeland security threats.

Peters has an extensive background in intelligence and policy analysis with over 26 years working for the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. Currently he is the Associate Director for Policy and Research in the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) at the Department of Homeland Security headquarters. Among his previous positions, he served as the Chief of the National Threat Evaluation and Reporting Programs, and as Deputy Director in the Current and Emerging Threats Center.

Peters has an M.A. in Securities Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School, an M.B.A. from Pennsylvania State University, and a B.A. from the University of Maryland University College.

Posted 11/17/21