Honors Student Presents Research on Lung Chemistry

Valentina Guidi at the American Chemical Society Annual Meeting

On March 21, Farquhar Honors College student Valentina Guidi presented research at the American Chemical Society Annual Meeting. Her research, completed as part of her Honors thesis titled “Investigating the specific phosphorylation sites of the human mineralocorticoid receptor using phospho-mapping,” explores the occurrence and location of a chemical process that could help protect the lungs from the adverse effects of e-cigarette vapors.

“It feels incredibly rewarding to have my research recognized in this capacity,” said Guidi, a senior chemistry major. “We have been working on this project since August 2020, but have faced many challenges due to COVID restrictions. However, we managed to push through the hardships. Now it feels surreal to be finalizing the project and presenting my results in various ways.“

Guidi remarks that she has gained valuable experience through the research process including using chemical techniques, applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and being patient—all of which will be helpful when she pursues a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. She will begin her Ph.D. program this fall at Vanderbilt University, where she plans to further pursue her research interests in the hope of becoming an organic synthetic chemist.

“I am grateful to the Honors College for providing me with the opportunity to complete my Honors thesis and preparing me for my future,” said Guidi. “I now understand the process of writing and defending a thesis. I believe this will give me confidence in writing my Ph.D. thesis.”

She completed the research with the help of her thesis adviser Beatrix Aukszi, Ph.D., associate professor in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, who inspired her to pursue chemistry.

“Valentina stood out from many of my prior research students in her level of self-motivation and independence in carrying out all aspects of the project from reading and researching methods, to running the experiments and analyzing the results,” said Aukszi. “Presenting our results at the prestigious annual meeting of the American Chemical Society showed her that this is the community where she belongs. There was an excellent turnout of peers from the field showing interest in our project, and she truly shined while presenting the results and explaining all the details. I couldn’t be more proud of her!”

Posted 04/27/22