Miami Edison High-Schoolers Participate in Shark Speak Program

A group of students from Miami Edison Senior High School are getting in-depth English lessons thanks to a student at the Fischler Academy at NSU’s Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice (FCE&SCJ).
The five high school students currently visit NSU’s campus where they partake in the Shark Speak project with Fischler Academy student, Gisel Egeraige, and Fischler Academy alumna Eloise Nieto.
Shark Speak is an interactive English acquisition program that accelerates the learning of the 100 most commonly used English words. The project was developed by Nieto and project supervisor Daryl Hulce.
The program is designed around using the 100 words in everyday settings such as going to the store or what is likely to be heard at school. At the core of the program is an activity called “May I Have… Please?,” where items that appeal to the learners, such as food and personal care products, are placed on a table and the students are taught to politely ask for them.
The students use the phrase “May I have… please?” filling in the blank with the items on the table. This repetition makes learning fun and provides a feeling of quick success for the students.
The lessons are led by Egeraige, who is in turn coached and supervised by Nieto, who teaches English as a second language at Miami Edison. The students have been taking well to the lessons and have spoken highly of the experience. Nieto said that additional students have even approached her and asked to participate in the program.
For more information on the Shark Speak program, please contact Daryl Hulce at
Posted 12/11/22