Alpha Lambda Rho Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha housed in CAHSS Receives Grant

The Alpha Lambda Rho chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, housed in the Department of History and Political Science in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has been awarded a grant from the national office. NSU is now home to the 826th chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society. NSU’s chapter, Alpha Lambda Rho, is focused on recognizing and cultivating creative student leaders through scholarship and service. Benefits include recognition of academic excellence, the right to wear honor regalia, opportunities to attend the National Student Conference, scholarships for graduate study, best paper awards, annual chapter activity grants, and pathways to student leadership. The chapter received a 2018 Chapter Activity Grant for $675 for their initiation ceremony.
According to chapter president Tal Lubarsky, “Being that the Alpha Lambda Rho chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha is still in its first year at NSU; one of the difficulties we have faced is coming up with funding for events to engage with chapter members and the university. We decided to apply for the Pi Sigma Alpha chapter activity grant in the hopes of providing a meaningful and memorable initiation ceremony for the new initiates.”
Ransford F. Edwards Jr., Ph.D., faculty in DHPS and chapter advisor commended Lubarsky, saying that, “Tal has been instrumental in not only founding our chapter, but also in managing its growth and shaping its values. Her dedication, initiative, and organizational abilities are unparalleled. It reflects in our chapter. And it reflects well on our University.”
For more information, please contact Edwards at (954) 262-8205 or via email at