CAHSS’ Department of Literature and Modern Languages Hosted Welcome Luncheon

The Department of Literature and Modern Languages (DLML) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) hosted the “Hi, You” Haiku: Welcome Luncheon to greet all returning and incoming students in English, Spanish, Medical Humanities, Humanities, Gender Studies, Film, and Folklore & Mythology. To get things started, students and professors crafted personal haikus to introduce themselves and shared a little about books they found most influential. DLML backpacks and books from professors were given away as raffle prizes. This event brought DLML majors and minors together to appreciate literature and the languages. Look out for our next Literature and Language Luncheon. On November 1, the Department will host “The Mad Tea Party” from 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm at Mailman Hollywood room 332, for all those majoring, minoring, or interested in literature and the languages. We look forward to you joining us for games, giveaways, and food!