Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences and Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Collaborate on an Interprofessional Simulation Experience

Students from the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Healthcare Sciences, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program collaborated in an interprofessional simulation experience. The learning objectives of the experience centered around interprofessional teamwork and communication. Small groups of students provided care to a simulated patient in the acute care setting. During this collaboration, students gained knowledge in their own ability to provide safe and efficient care as well as participating as an active member of the health care team. Each small group debriefed following the patient encounter and a large group debrief was held at the end focusing on interprofessional teamwork and communication. Student commented “I think the scenarios were well done and helped with the interactions between the different health professions”; “I appreciated the interprofessionalism and working together towards a common goal”; “It was a great opportunity to assess the importance in collaboration with physical therapist and nurses and gauge our skills when working as a team.”
We express our sincere appreciation for all students who participated as well as the faculty and staff for coordinating and planning this experience. PCHCS faculty included Shari Rone-Adams, D.BA, MHSA, Archana Vatwani, D.PT, M.B.A.s, Melissa Morris, M.S., and Elizabeth Swann, Ph.D.s, ACON faculty included Sarah Koplow, Ph.D.s, Deborah Papa, Ed.D.,M.S., Heather Saifman, Ph.D.s, Lisa Soontupe, Psy.D., M.S., B.A., Professor Bibi Khan, and Lucille Graham, M.S. Special thanks to our standardized patient, Ms. Vanessa Maloney for lending her experience and expertise.