Halmos Faculty Speaks at Experiential Education Conference
In September 2021, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences Instructional Technology and Design Specialist Judith Slapak-Barski, Ed.D. was given the opportunity to speak at the 50th Annual Conference for the National Society for Experiential Education. As an adjunct instructor and course developer who specializes in faculty development, Judith works to improve instructional methods and technologies that enhance student-centric learning and provide students with real world, hands on educational opportunities. She also collaborates with the Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL) initiative, which helps to grow programs and support experiences for courses that provide students with the chance to gain diverse, meaningful experiences.
Titled “Zoom Behaviors and Expectations: The Non-Obvious,” Judith’s presentation discussed the move to online engagement with students around the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was at first assumed students would know how to act appropriately during ZOOM meetings, but it quickly became obvious that set ground rules were needed. This led to the development and implementation of the “Zoom Etiquette and Expectations” course for students which included a content presentation, interactive simulations, and an assessment. Successful completion awarded the student a badge to submit to their professors.
National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) is a nonprofit membership association of educators, businesses, and community leaders. Founded in 1971, NSEE also serves as a national resource center for the development and improvement of experiential education programs nationwide.
Posted 11/28/21