Halmos Student Wins Esteemed NAEP Award

Amber Orr

Amber Orr, a student in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, has been selected as the 21st recipient of the Charles F. Zirzow Memorial Student Award presented by the National Associate of Environmental Professionals (NAEP).  The award is given to a current college student or recent graduate who has been recognized for outstanding academic achievement, and this is the first time a Nova Southeastern University student has received this award.

Per NAEP’s website, the organization is “a multi-disciplinary association for professionals dedicated to the advancement of the environmental professions, a forum for state-of-the-art information on environmental planning, research and management, and a network of professional contacts and exchange of information among colleagues in industry, government, academia, and the private sector.”

Orr was nominated by Halmos Department of Biological Sciences faculty member Paul Arena, Ph.D. and will receive the award at the National Association of Environmental Professionals’ Annual Conference, held May 16-19, 2022.

Posted 03/25/22