Halmos Students Present Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration
At NSU’s Undergraduate Student Symposium in April 2022, Halmos students from the Department of Biological Sciences, co-mentored by Arthur Sikora, Ph.D., (Department of Chemistry and Physics) and Santanu De, Ph.D., (Department of Biological Sciences), jointly presented a poster on an interdisciplinary research collaboration. The title of the presentation was “Substantiation and Validation of the Benefits of CUREs in STEM using a Combination of Self-Reported Gains and Alignment with Learning Objectives”.
Presentation of the poster was done by Monica Aguiar and Luzcarime Saco Vertiz. Student co-authors of the collaboration power included Mina Ghali, Rachel Keating, Ane Mashiach, Rajin Persaud, Kayla Rubalsky, Akshata Sastry, Irene Stepensky, and Trisha Sudhakar.
Posted 07/17/22