Honors Student Spends Life-Changing Semester Abroad

Farquhar Honors College student Emma Heineman spent the semester of her dreams studying abroad in the sunny streets of Barcelona, Spain. Immersed in this busy city during her final semester at NSU, Heineman made lasting memories and connections that strengthened her desire for a globetrotting career and lifestyle.

While abroad, Heineman studied at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she took courses exploring Spanish art, culture, and language. Her coursework often involved excursions outside of the classroom and into the bustling streets of Barcelona, exploring the city through the lens of its impressive art and architecture. Class trips to famous museums, private art studios, and street art locales were the norm.

“My semester abroad was one of the best experiences I have ever had,” said Heineman, who has dreamt of studying abroad in Spain since high school. “There are far too many things I fell in love with during my time in Barcelona to pick a favorite, but I think I am most grateful for the people I was able to meet. I arrived in Barcelona not knowing a single person there and left in tears after having to say goodbye to some of the most incredible people I have ever met. I loved traveling, immersing myself in the culture, trying new foods, and improving my Spanish, but it made it so much more special to have amazing people to share it with.”

Heineman graduated from NSU this winter with a dual bachelor’s degree in international studies and political science. She hopes to continue to travel the world and learn about other cultures through a career in international education.

“[My time abroad] has truly opened my eyes to the world and confirmed a passion I have for international education and travel,” said Heineman. “Before my semester in Spain, I worked for the International Office here at [NSU] and fell in love with the idea of being able to build a career around helping students achieve their goals to study abroad. I have since connected with individuals who work for the program I studied abroad through and hope to be able to continue pursuing my passion for international education in the future.”

Heineman’s study abroad experience was partially funded by the Honors College Student Travel Fund, a supplementary fund dedicated to supporting student travel—one of the college’s goals. The college is also offering two travel study courses next semester, Medical London, Culture and Context and The Protest Song in America, that will allow Honors students to travel to London and Detroit, respectively, as part of the course curriculum.

Learn more about undergraduate travel opportunities.

Posted 09/25/22