Law Firm Partners with NSU to Enhance Honors Program

Van Horn Law Group, P.A. has partnered with Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad College of Law by committing to $50,000 over five years to enhance its Pro Bono Honor Program, which recognizes students who are committed to serving the community and who believe the improvement of our community starts with giving all citizens equal access to the legal system. The program now will be known as the Van Horn Law Group Pro Bono Honor Program.
Led by NSU Shepard Broad College of Law graduate Chad Van Horn, Van Horn Law Group will fund the Pro Bono Honor Program to ramp up the law student experience at NSU Law, maximize opportunities for students to provide pro bono services in the community, and increase the number of overall pro bono hours provided. The program provides a variety of programs for students to fulfill pro bono hours and maintains records of the students’ pro bono work.
“I am extremely committed to offering quality, pro bono legal services to our underserved, lower-economic neighbors,” said Van Horn, Founding Partner Attorney. “Van Horn Law Group has never turned down a pro bono case, because we believe the legal system should be open to everyone, not just those who can afford it. We have handled approximately 200 pro bono cases, simply because we believe it’s the right thing to do.”
Van Horn Law Group, among the top five bankruptcy firms in the state based on number of cases filed in the last 12 months (, is dedicated to restoring peace of mind to individuals in financial distress by providing first rate, affordable legal services with compassion, understanding and respect. Its efforts on behalf of NSU Law’s Pro Bono Honor Program directly align with this mission.
“We are very excited to partner with Van Horn Law Group to bring more awareness and opportunities for our students to engage with the community in addressing their legal needs,” said José Roberto (Beto) Juárez, Jr., Dean and Professor of Law at NSU’s Shepard Broad College of Law. “NSU Law has always been committed to instilling an ethic of pro bono service in its graduates, and now through our alumnus, Chad Van Horn, we will be able to provide more awareness and opportunities for our students to give back and develop a lifelong commitment to using their education and skills to contribute to the public good.”
The Van Horn Law Group Pro Bono Honor Program provides recognition to students who have completed a minimum of 50 hours of pro bono service while enrolled in NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. Students are recognized in three levels of distinction: Bronze for 50 to 124 hours; Silver for125 to 299 hours; and Gold for 300+ hours. Students who participate in the program will receive a cord to wear at graduation and an awards certificate.
The Van Horn Law Group Pro Bono Honor Program is part of the Public Interest Programs established in 1996 by NSU Shepard Broad College of Law. It serves as a focal point for all public interest law activities at the law school. Programs offer many opportunities to encourage students to participate in public interest law while in law school and to encourage a dedicated commitment to the public for life. NSU Law encourages a culture of giving back, as does Van Horn Law Group.
Posted 07/17/22