Pharmacy Students Get Certified in Mental Health First Aid

In November, the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) at the NSU College of Pharmacy coordinated and provided a special training event for students to attend an 8 hour in-person certification training focused on Mental Health First Aid. The event, which followed strict COVID-19 cautionary guidelines, helped our students better understand mental health and substance use disorders.

Students were taught how to identify signs and symptoms of mental health problems that indicate a person may require professional help and how to correctly approach situations which are often difficult for most persons to address. The instructors, which belong to the South Florida Wellness Network, were able to provide clear and concise steps in approaching a mental health situation in which both the Mental Health First Aider and the person in distress feel safe.

The event brought awareness to the importance of Mental Health First Aid, such that it is as important and lifesaving to people in our society as CPR is. The NSU-CPNP student chapter hopes to continue to provide this critical training to the students at the College of Pharmacy, and it is also looking to extend the invitation for this training and certification opportunity to all students in the Health Professions Division.

For more information and mental health resources:

Visit South Florida Wellness Network at