Access Plus Program Resumes Face-to-Face Support
With the start of the 2022-2023 academic year, NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice Access Plus, a support program for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is returning to in-person services.
After moving to providing quality services online during the pandemic, Access Plus will resume providing face-to-face support to students with autism spectrum disorder. Program staff are dedicated to serving as liaisons for students between faculty, staff, and university administrators, and they are also working in conjunction with the Office of Student Disability Services and Testing and Tutoring Center to meet the needs of the students.
There are currently three students enrolled in Access Plus. The trio of students will meet with peer mentors several days a week in the Mailman Segal Center building where they will learn about a variety of topics like organization, planning, and study skills.
Additional services that will be provided include a psychoeducational group where the students will learn skills on topics like making friends and stress management.
The list goes on when it comes to the services available to the students in the program. A Fischler Academy (Shark Teach) student will also be on hand to help the Access Plus students get more involved on campus. They will help identify on-campus events, activities and organizations of interest and will help the students take part along with helping them build strategies for meeting new people.
The support doesn’t stop when it comes to academics and social activities. With the use of Mursion software, Access Plus will provide students with live practical experience for job interviews. This same software also gave two recent Access Plus graduates training for interviews which they are now using as they search for employment.
Access Plus will also deliver training to faculty and staff on the best practices for supporting students with ASD in the classroom and college setting.
With the start of the new academic year, Access Plus is ready to provide the best services available.
For more information on Access Plus, please click here, or contact faculty administrator, Dr. Maribel Del-Rio Roberts at
Posted 08/31/22