CAHSS Film Studies Minor Students present at PCAC/ACAS Regional Conference in NC

Brianna Issenberg and Madelyne Snyder, students in the Film Studies Minor in the Department of Literature and Modern Languages (DLML) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) presented their papers at the Popular Culture Association in the South and American Culture Association in the South Regional Conference on September 26-28, 2019. The conference was held in Wilmington, NC. Kathleen Waites, Ph.D. professor in DLML accompanied the students. In addition to presenting their papers, both students were asked to serve as chairs for their respective panels.

According to Issenberg,  “Attending the PCAS ACAS conference is one that will never forget . . . I had never been part of a conference much less a chair speaker. It was truly amazing being able to speak and connect with my session mates as well as the audience about my topic . . .”

In “Other Girl Turned Final Girl?”, Issenberg’s paper examined how conventional tropes of the horror film are being upended and reworked in current films, while Madelyne Snyder’s “The Witty Warrior Women: Combating Social Disputes with Comedy and Sisterhood” stakes out new ground in her exploration of a  category of chick flick comedies that offer an alternative, social warrior woman.

Snider indicated, “I had the ability to present and attend the PCAS Conference . . . While I was extremely nervous . . . I was excited to present. It was an honor to learn about other film-related topics . . . and theories. The overall experience was very beneficial for my professional career and personal interests.”

Snider’s paper, “The Witty Warrior Woman: Combating Social Disputes with Comedy and Sisterhood,” received the Roger Rollin Award for American Cultural Studies, awarded by the Executive Council’s Members-at-Large for PCAS.