NSU to Host Legal Studies Alumni Reception

NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) hosted a reception for alumni of the program in Legal Studies in the Department of History and Political Sciences. On February 16, 2019, the reception was held in the Arena Club Room of the Don Taft University Center. More than thirty alumni attended as well as five current students and seven professors from the Department of History and Political Science. Dean Honggang Yang welcomed the alumni back to campus, David Kilroy, Ph.D., delivered opening remarks, and Stephen Levitt, J.D., took the group down memory lane with photos of students and faculty over a thirty-year period.
Alumna Monica Puig presented Lester Lindley, J.D., Ph.D., who taught for the program from 1989 to 1999, with a framed copy of the article she wrote about him in Latin Biz. The article describes the positive impact Lindley had on her life and career, including the development of strong writing skills. While attending the reception the group enjoyed watching NSU basketball game.