Circle of Friends Holds Annual Meeting to Celebrate Achievements

The Circle of Friends, the advisory board and fundraising partners of the NSU Alvin Sherman Library held its Annual Meeting on May 19 online to celebrate the achievements of the past year and installation of incoming Board and Officers.

Douglas Ford was installed as the newest board member, Chuck Morton as president, Barbara Grosz as vice president, and Peter Woolf as past president, while Rona Levitt and Daniel Fleischer will continue to serve in their roles as secretary and treasurer, respectively. Also serving on the Board of Directors are Stephanie Brown, Adolfo J. Cotilla Jr., Tony DuBose, Peter Garcia, Bonnie Lippman, Vilma Lopez, Greg McDermott, Luis A. Muriel, Ronnie Oller, Ann Porterfield, Janet Speth and ex-officios Diane Klein, Laura Sturaitis, and Jim Hutchens.

During his address, outgoing President Peter Woolf thanked the board for supporting the following three initiatives:

  • Two years ago, Circle of Friends’ funding enabled the library to upgrade the its digital signage to include large touchscreen displays on the first and second floors. This year, this important project was completed, and today, digital signs are located throughout the building.
  • This year the Circle of Friends also invested in the ASL/OCL staff by funding the library’s professional development budget. Although the pandemic led to the cancellation of several opportunities, many more online offerings became available.
  • Circle of Friends is especially proud to have funded the Alvin Sherman Library’s contract with the consulting firm Library Strategies. This contract provides for three-year strategic plans for both the library and the Circle of Friends.

John Wensveen, Ph.D., chief innovation officer of the Nova Southeastern University’s Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation was the keynote speaker at this year’s annual meeting. He spoke about the development of the innovation center and its impressive cutting edge, world-class features and presented a virtual tour of this state-of-the-art center.

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