Welmaker Named President of Campus Safety Association (CSHEMA)

Beth Welmaker

Beth Welmaker, NSU’s Executive Director of Environmental Health & Safety, is the new president of the Campus Safety Health & Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA). Welmaker has been in the environmental health and safety field for more than 25 years and has been at NSU for about six years.”

“I am honored to be representing NSU as president of CSHEMA, a global leadership organization for the EHS profession in higher education,” she said.

“Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is an important part of the fabric on university campuses –keeping students and staff safe from hazards ranging from chemicals, biological materials, radioactive materials, fire hazards and more.  We work to protect the individual first and foremost, while also ensuring the university is complying with the myriad of regulations and laws.”

Posted 08/14/22