Nova Southeastern University will be hosting The Qualitative Report 11th Annual Conference at Davie Campus in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from January 14 through 17, 2020. General registration for the TQR 11th Annual Conference is open.
For detailed information on registration click the below:
Registration Now Open
Official Conference Website
Pre-Conference Workshop
Conference Theme
Contemporary qualitative research is a diverse world of varied perspectives, designs, methods, products and purposes. We have descriptive, interpretive, scientific, artistic, critical, collaborative, participatory, indigenous, and provocative approaches to name just a few of the ways qualitative researchers conceptualize, conduct, and communicate their work. Qualitative research is now an international phenomena practiced by more people in more disciplines and professions than ever before.
Technological advancements also make qualitative research today a quickly evolving craft. Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, recording apps and equipment, voice-recognition and translation software, computer-assisted qualitative data analysis programs, and augmented reality present today’s researchers with new and interesting ways to carry out their work faster and more efficiently and to consider emerging multi-dimensional ways to generate, collect and analyze data. Innovations in communication too present new options how we present and publish our work and receive feedback from our audiences.
What we teach and how we learn qualitative research today also reflect this wonderful diversity. It can be challenging to manage this variety in a curriculum, so today’s teachers and students are learning and instructing via emerging alternative and complementary means and media. Inside and outside the academy, formally and informally qualitative research education and training has never been so wide-ranging.
Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research Track
At the 11th Annual TQR Conference, we will also feature a Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research Track of paper presentations, panels, and workshops throughout the three-day event. We have invited folks to share their lessons learned from practicing, teaching, and writing qualitative research: How do you teach qualitative research? What exercises work well in helping your students master these skills? What learning technologies do you use? How should qualitative research degrees, certificate, curricula, and courses be organized to maximize effective learning? What innovations did you create to help you complete your first qualitative project? We want to hear these reflexive tales in your proposed papers, panels, and workshops so we all can learn lessons learned of qualitative research.
Pre-Conference Workshop
An Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis: A Three-Hour Workshop by Johnny Saldaña.
Johnny Saldaña, Professor Emeritus from Arizona State University-Tempe, facilitates a participatory workshop on “An Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis.” The purpose of the workshop is to survey how narrative data can be inductively analyzed through different methods from the canon of qualitative inquiry heuristics.
Three approaches to the analysis of interview and survey data will be demonstrated, and participants will explore each of these methods with authentic data sets. The first is coding and categorizing the story of a man with depression and anxiety. The second is thematic analysis of a teacher’s narrative about her relationship with students. And the third is the development of assertions about a woman recounting her troubled adolescence. Additional workshop topics include constructing diagrams and matrices, analytic memos, and analytic writing.
The workshop content and participatory exercises are designed to provide participants with a sampling of analytic approaches to non-numeric data. These approaches can be utilized with written and oral empirical materials for research, practice, and professional development. The workshop is targeted to graduate students and novices to qualitative research.
Please see the links at the top to visit our official website where you may register for the conference and workshop.
As always, please let us know your questions and comments by sending us your emails to tqr@nova.edu, posting to our Facebook page, or by tweeting us!