NSU Student Academy of Audiology Travels to Capitol Hill

From left, front row, Doctor of Audiology students, Jessica Rubin, Mary Buckman and Erin Kelly. From left, middle row, audiology students, Ali Silverman, Samantha Englaish, Briana Stanikmas, and Tasha Takeshita. From left, top back row, faculty members, Patricia Gaffney and Alyssa Needleman.

On Friday, May 10, 2019, seven Nova Southeastern University Au.D. students and two faculty members, Patricia Gaffney, Au.D., associate professor, and Alyssa Needleman, Ph.D., clinic director and associate professor, traveled to Capitol Hill to advocate for the field of audiology.

This is the fifth consecutive year that NSU’s Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) has sent a group of students to Washington, D.C., to advocate for their future profession. As NSU’s SAA chapter strongly encourages members to be active participants in their future profession, this trip provides students with an unforgettable opportunity to raise awareness of the current legislation affecting the field of audiology on Capitol Hill. The success of previous trips enabled the chapter to continue this opportunity.

This year’s advocacy trip featured a group of NSU Au.D. students who come from all over the United States. The six second year Au.D. students and one first year Au.D. student collectively represented Florida, Tennessee, Hawaii, New York, and Massachusetts. All but one of the students, this was their first time advocating on Capitol Hill. Ali Silverman, NSU’s SAA Government Relations chair, attended last year’s advocacy trip and was passionate about sharing the experience with other SAA members by planning this years’ trip. Working with Susan Pilch, J.D., senior director of Government Relations, and Kathryn Werner, M.P.A., vice president of Public Affairs at American Academy of Audiology, it was possible for meetings with various congressional offices from the NSU students’ home-states to be arranged. Additional support was offered by Jodi Baxter, Au.D., assistant professor at Ohio State University, who was also on hand to assist the students with their meetings.

The day began with breakfast and a briefing of the legislation that would be discussed throughout the day. Students then attended meetings with the representatives of their home states. The home-state representatives were from the offices of Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL), Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Representative Ed Case (D-HI), Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Representative Peter King (R-NY), Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Representative Francis Rooney (R-FL), and Representative Timothy Burchett (R-TN). The NSU student advocates were all able to attend meetings in small groups ensuring each participant had the opportunity to take the lead and share their personal stories.

The Medicare Telehealth Parity Act of 2017 and the Access to Frontline Care Act of 2017 were previously introduced during the 115th Congress. Students were eager to continue to advocate for the passage of these bills. Additionally, students were granted a unique look at the development of a bill that will hopefully be introduced to Congress this year. The Hear Act will be a bill jointly proposed by American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Academy of Doctors of Audiology, and Academy of Audiology to amend Medicare to recognize audiologists as practitioners, allowing direct access and coverage for both diagnostic and treatment services.

This trip is an opportunity for students to get involved in a different aspect of their future profession. Collectively, all of the NSU student advocates felt that the trip provided insight into the positive and negative impacts that current legislation can have on the field of audiology. The students and faculty would like to thank everyone involved in the planning of this trip and those who contributed to its success!


NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale Presents, Remember To React II: Drawings and Prints From The NSU Art Museum Collection

L: Wangechi Mutu, Howl, 2006, archival pigment print with screen printing collage, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, promised gift of David Horvitz and Francie Bishop Good
R: Guerrilla Girls, Women in America Earn Only 2/3 of What Men Do…, n.d. Poster, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale; gift of Bernice Steinbaum 2008.2.3

NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale presents Remember to React Part II, an exhibition comprised of over 50 works from its permanent collection by artists including Nicole Eisenman, Helen Frankenthaler, Quisqueya Henriquez, Lee Krasner, Frank León, Ana Mendieta, Wangechi Mutu, Jorge Pantoja, Raymond Pettibon, Nancy Spero, Andy Warhol, and the Guerilla Girls. On view from June 15 – September 29, 2019, it continues the theme of the institution’s 60th anniversary exhibition, Remember to React (on view through June 2020), with its emphasis on women artists, as well as works representative of the current global art world. The exhibition is curated by Bonnie Clearwater, NSU Art Museum Director and Chief Curator.

Remember to React II also runs concurrently with the exhibition William J. Glackens: From Pencil to Paint, which is drawn exclusively from the museum’s permanent collection of this early American modernist’s work. “The focus on drawing and prints in both of these exhibitions further demonstrates the richness and depth of NSU Art Museum’s collection,” states Bonnie Clearwater.

Among the works featured in Remember to React Part II is Los Angeles-based artist Raymond Pettibon’s first video, Repeater Pencil, 2004, in which he animated his own drawings to create a non-linear narrative that suggests the dark side of the American dream.  Pettibon’s drawings hark back to the heyday of twentieth-century American illustrators, including William Glackens, whose drawings are on view in the adjoining Glackens gallery. Nicole Eisenman’s monumental ink drawing, The Anxiety of Adolescent Boys Hanging onto the Last Moments of Their Innocence, 2001, is a satirical battle of the sexes that similarly displays a drawing style that recalls early twentieth-century popular illustrations for the masses.

Works on view by Cuban artists Quisqueya Henriquez, Jorge Pantoja and Frank León are wry observations on life in Miami that contrast with Cuba’s economic and social structure, while Andy Warhol’s print of Senator Edward Kennedy, created for Kennedy’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 1980, is overtly political, as is social realist William Gropper’s satirical drawings of the Watergate scandal of the early 1970s.

The museum’s significant holdings of work by women artists is reflected in the selection of drawings and prints in this exhibition, including nine watercolors by Edith Dimock who was the wife of William Glackens. Dimock and her husband marched in the famous 1913 Women’s Suffrage Parade for women’s voting rights (obtained in 1920), alongside thousands of other men and women. A highly skilled watercolorist, her work parallels the subject matter of the American Ashcan School painters of the late nineteenth to early twentieth century, including Glackens, who distinguished themselves with their depictions of urban life. While Dimock chose to remain in her husband’s shadow, destroying most of her work, the abstract expressionists Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner (both represented in the exhibition by prints), and Elaine de Kooning, whose paintings are on view in Remember to React Part I, challenged the male-dominated art world with their breakthrough works in the mid-twentieth century.

Nevertheless, continued under-representation of women in the art world, galleries and museums, led an anonymous group of female artists to form the Guerrilla Girls in 1985 to draw attention to this inequality by producing message-driven works such as the posters on view in this exhibition. Also on view is a recent acquisition of a rare drawing by Cuban artist Ana Mendieta, a contemporary of the Guerrilla Girls, that she based on archeological images of powerful earth goddesses.

The exhibition includes several recent gifts to NSU Art Museum from Miami collectors Paul Berg, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Vanessa Grout, and Dr. Arturo and Liza Mosquera, and promised gifts from Fort Lauderdale collectors Francie Bishop Good and David Horvitz.

Remember to React Part I, which opened in 2018 in celebration of the Museum’s 60th anniversary, marks the first comprehensive installation of NSU Art Museum’s collection. Representing various periods and developments in the history of art, and installed as an interlocking narrative, it also traces the collection’s growth from its origins to today,

Following the Museum’s establishment in 1958, its founders launched the institution’s collection with African, Native American and Oceanic traditional art as its core. Today, in addition to these areas, NSU Art Museum holds the largest U.S. collection of the post-World War II experimental Cobra group, an extensive collection of Latin American and Cuban art, and a concentration of modern and contemporary art with a special focus on work by women and multi-cultural artists. Additionally, it houses the largest collection of works by the early American modernist William J. Glackens, a leader of the progressive Ashcan School.

NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale is located at One East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL. For information, visit nsuartmuseum.org or call 954-525-5500. Follow the Museum @nsuartmuseum.org

Exhibitions and programs at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale are made possible in part by a challenge grant from the David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation. Funding is also provided by the City of Fort Lauderdale, AutoNation, Community Foundation of Broward, Funding Arts Broward, Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council and Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale is accredited by the American Association of Museums.

Goodbye Lynda, Hello LinkedIn Learning


On Monday, June 17, Nova Southeastern University Alvin Sherman Library will be upgrading Lynda.com to LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning, which acquired Lynda.com, has the same great content but provides an even more personalized experience. And, it’s still free to you!

As of June 17th, you will no longer be able to access Lynda.com — instead you will be redirected to LinkedIn Learning. Don’t worry, all your learning activity and history from Lynda.com was seamlessly transferred to LinkedIn Learning.

About LinkedIn Learning

With LinkedIn Learning, you’ll experience the same things you love about Lynda.com like:

  • High-quality content: At the core of LinkedIn Learning is high-quality Lynda.com content. If you have favorite content on Lynda.com, don’t worry, it is still there!
  • Comprehensive data and progress: Data, including groups, playlists, assigned content, account settings, and histories were automatically migrated.
  • Learner course video page: All of the features and functionality of this page remains the same. This includes transcripts, exercise files, mobile viewing, and bookmarking.

You’ll also experience many new and improved features including:

  • A new, easy-to-use interface
  • Personalized course recommendations
  • Social curation, and more

Activating your LinkedIn Learning account

Current Lynda.com users will be receiving emails from LinkedIn Learning a couple of days prior to June 17th with a link to activate their LinkedIn Learning accounts. If you are not a current Lynda.com user or did not receive an email, simply visit lib.nova.edu/linkedin

Here are some tips to successfully activate your account and begin enjoying LinkedIn Learning:

  • For the very best user experience, log out of your LinkedIn account prior to activating your LinkedIn Learning account.
  • After clicking the link to activate your account: If you are not already authenticated with your NSU Sharklink ID or Alvin Sherman Library card, you will be directed to the LinkedIn Learning Alvin Sherman Library login page, where you can enter your credentials. If you are already logged in, you will be directed to your LinkedIn Learning account.
  • Upon activation, you will have the option to connect your LinkedIn profile or create a separate Learning account during activation. If you choose to connect your LinkedIn profile, you’ll receive benefits such as personalized recommendations for your skills and position, as well as what’s trending on LinkedIn Learning based on LinkedIn data. This will give you a learning experience that’s tailor made for your needs.

Learn more

Check out this website for more information on upgrading to LinkedIn Learning, or ask a librarian.



All NSU Students to Have Health Insurance Coverage

Starting fall 2019-2020, NSU will require all students, to carry health insurance coverage. Students were notified of this requirement by President Hanbury in an email sent May 17, 2019. Students may meet the university’s student health insurance requirement in two ways:

1. NSU Student Health Insurance Plan: NSU has partnered

NSU has partnered with Aetna to provide NSU students with a comprehensive nationwide plan that includes prescription and emergency care coverage at a price well below comparable plans available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange markets in Florida. The average monthly premium for the 2019 NSU Aetna Student Health Insurance is $191, which is roughly $280 less than the $477 average monthly premiums charged in Florida, according to Consumer Reports. The NSU-endorsed plan has an annual deductible of $400, which is significantly less than the national average. For detailed information about the NSU plan, visit nova.edu/studentinsurance.

2. Proof of Existing Insurance Coverage and Opt-Out Required

When students register for classes, they will automatically be enrolled in the NSU Student Health Insurance Plan, and the insurance premium for the semester will be charged to their NSU student accounts. Students who already have comparable health insurance coverage and do not need the NSU Student Health Insurance Plan must waive out of the NSU plan to have the charge reversed.

Waivers must be completed at the start of each academic year by each program’s waiver deadline and are valid for one academic year. Once a program’s waiver deadline has passed, students will no longer be able to reverse the charge for the first semester because the university will have submitted the student’s information to Aetna for enrollment. Students will have another opportunity to waive out of the NSU plan for the second semester.

For more information, visit the NSU Student Health Insurance Department online at nova.edu/studentinsurance online or call (954) 262-4060.

Education Alumna Pens Novel

Sylvia Mader, Ed.D., a 1979 graduate of NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice,  has announced the publication of her novel,  AWater Lily Blooms. The title of the book refers to a water lily pond on Martha’s Vineyard, where the novel is partially set. The main character, Andie, goes to college off-island with the stated desire to be a physician. Andie’s college years turn out to be very challenging. Will the release of her pent-up sexuality, the lure of New York high society, the possibility of a stage career, and severe tragedy prevent her from achieving her goal?

Mader is a former Biology professor and textbook author. Her first textbook called Inquiry into Life, now in its 16th edition, has a human emphasis while Biology in its 13th ed is more traditional.  Human Biology and Essentials of Biology are suitable for one-semester courses.

She currently resides in Florida with her husband. She also has a close relationship with her three children and eight grandchildren. Her granddaughter, Sylvia Kansfield, is a professional artist who designed the cover for A Water Lily Blooms.

To learn more about A Water Lily Blooms, please visit:  https://www.amazon.com/Water-Lily-Blooms-Sylvia-Mader/dp/1949756262#customerReviews

College of Psychology Professor Awarded for his Help to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD)

Scott Poland, Ed.D., a professor in Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) College of Psychology and the co-director of the Suicide and Violence Prevention has been extensively involved in the aftermath of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) in Parkland. His involvement included providing  consultation on site immediately after the school shooting to the top administration for Broward County Public Schools, and he helped organized teams of NSU staff and students who responded immediately to assist the school and the Parkland community. Poland also worked closely with MSD Alumni Association.

In addition, he provided four major parenting presentations for the Parkland community, which focused on the importance of parents being there to listen and to provide support for their children as well as parents modeling optimism and hope for the future. Poland believes that children who live in a stable home who are shown unconditional love can overcome almost anything. Poland has also provided crisis intervention training in recent years to school counselors, school psychologists and social workers for Broward Schools. He has promoted in all interactions with the Broward County Public Schools and the Parkland community that NSU is ready and willing to help the community and school district in any way possible.

FCE&SCJ Professor Attends The United States Distance Learning Association National Conference

Hui Fang “Angie: Su, Ed.D., Professor, at NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice attended The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) 2019 National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Su represented Florida, as the President of Florida Distance Learning Association (FDLA). She shared the state chapter’s best practices, including the association’s journal and publication. The FDLA journal is an opened source publication which has a world-wide readership. In addition, Su also shared member resources and collaboration opportunities.

The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) 2019 National Conference is the premier event for professionals in the distance learning industry. The 2019 event was held Monday May 20, 2019 – Thursday May 23, 2019 and delivered an action-packed agenda that brought together distance learning practitioners from across the country.

Saturday Writing Workshops at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library

Join us for a workshop led by a published author! RSVP at lib.nova.edu/authors

or call 954-262-5477

In the Beginning

Saturday, June 15, 2:00 – 3:30pm

4th Floor, Room 4009

Joyce Sweeney helps you explore methods for finding the best possible set of firsts – first sentence, first  paragraph,  first scene and first chapter.

Turning Historical Figures into Fictional Characters

Saturday, July 13, 2:00 – 3:30 pm

4th Floor, Room 4009

Diane A.S. Stuckart  helps you learn how to bring historical figures to life and believably incorporate them as characters in your novel.

Fatal Flaws and Plot Laws

Saturday, August 24, 2:00 – 3:30 pm

4th Floor, Room 4009

Debbie Reed Fischer helps you discover elements in the relationship  between character and plot in order to craft a gripping work of fiction.

For more information: https://sherman.library.nova.edu/sites/spotlight/series/writing-workshops/

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine Assistant Dean Named Florida Osteopathic Medical Association President

Eric A. Goldsmith, D.O., FACOS, assistant dean of clinical affairs at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, was named president of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA) in May when the existing president announced his sudden resignation. Goldsmith had been serving as FOMA president-elect prior to his sudden elevation to the top leadership spot.

Anthony J. Silvagni Bids Adieu to NSU

To honor Silvagni’s iconic mustache, the college presented him with a clever sculpture to celebrate his illustrious years of service. Pictured, from left, are Anthony J. Silvagni; Elaine M. Wallace, D.O., M.S.4, KPCOM dean; and Dianna Silvagni, J.D.

On May 30, the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM) bid a fond farewell to Anthony J. Silvagni, D.O., Pharm.D., M.S., FACOFP dist., FCPP, dean emeritus and director of international medicine, at a retirement reception honoring his 21 years of service to the college.

“I have never been in any position for 21 years, so it’s hard for me to believe this much time has gone by,” said Silvagni, who served as KPCOM dean from July 1998 through January 2015. “I stayed because of the energy and innovation the faculty and staff members always brought to the program, as well as the drive to develop new knowledge for the improvement of patient care.”

During his fruitful stint as the KPCOM’s fearless leader, Silvagni helped oversee a sustained period of growth and achievement even he couldn’t have foreseen when he became the college’s fourth dean.

“When I was dean, it felt like I had a new job every week due to everything that was happening in regard to building the school and creating new programs,” he added. “The greatest reward was watching various faculty members get recognized in the literature and through their professional organizations. I would not trade my time at NSU for anything I’ve ever done professionally in my life.”

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