Fischler Academy Students Attend the 2019 Sanford Partnership Summit in San Diego

On April 29, Fischler Academy students Chloe Behar, Bianca Oliveira, Vanessa Montros Castro, Tianna Harris, and Giselle Perez from NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice (FCE&SCJ), attended the 2019 Sanford Partnership Summit: A Mindshare Around Equity, Teacher Preparation, and SEL “Ensuring Excellence Through Collaboration.” The students were accompanied by FCE&SCJ Associate Dean, Jamie Manburg, Ed.D., and Luke Williams, Director of the Fischler Academy.

The students presented the Fischler Academy Authentic Module Integration, showcasing the Schooling Sharks program, which is designed for first semester Fischler Academy freshmen students. In the program, students work in small teams to develop and deliver a unique lesson. Each team is assigned to a Pk-12 in-service teacher, who serves as the mentor to the group and guides the students in the development of their lesson plan.

(left to right) Chloe Behar, Bianca Oliveira, Vanessa Montros Castro, Tianna Harris, Giselle Perez, Lucas Williams


New Leadership & Professional Development Catalog Now Available

During times of organizational change and commitment to increasing standards, NSU’s Faculty and Staff have an important role in leading innovation, collaboration, and excellence across the university. In support of fostering the culture of 1 NSU, the Office of Human Resources is offering a series of workshops for leaders, departments, and individuals, to assist in building and further developing these skills, as well as select learning events designed to provide leaders with the tools they need to give their teams an edge in their pursuit of excellence.

All sessions can be found in the new FY2020 Leadership & Professional Development Catalog HERE:



Darinka Obradovich Spring 2019 Daisy Award Recipient

Northwest Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle Washington honored ACON Alumni and Emergency Department Registered Nurse Darinka Obradovich, BSN, CEN with the Daisy Award. The Daisy Award recognizes and honors “extraordinary nurses” who provide “extraordinary compassionate care”. Darinka was nominated by the wife of one of her critically ill patients, not only for her patient care excellence, but for her holistic approach to nursing the family along with the patient.

Congratulations Darinka!


NSU Dental Congratulates its Student Life Achievement Awards winners

College of Dental Medicine celebrates its college student of the year and American Association of Women Dentists chapter for being honored at the 21st annual Student Life Achievement Awards (STUEYs).

Held every spring, the award ceremony aims to honor those who further a sense of campus community focusing on the best in academic excellence, student centered, integrity, innovation, opportunity, scholarship/research, diversity, and community.

From Left: Linda C. Niessen, D.M.D., M.P.H., dean and professor, College of Dental Medicine with CDM 2019 student of the year, Francesca Pietri.

The award for CDM 2019 student of the year went to fourth-year dental student Francesca Pietri for her great representation in what the college stands for in its goal of creating outstanding clinicians and leaders in their communities.

Pietri’s academic excellence is no stranger to NSU as the graduating fourth year carried the same work ethic when earning her bachelor’s in biology and master’s degree in biomedical sciences from NSU. Pietri was considered a top student in her classes as she developed the strong work ethic with the goal in mind of being a dentist.

Being a leader in the classroom, Pietri took on roles by serving on executive boards, college ambassador, class representative and giving back to the community in the annual Give Kids a Smile event and dental mission trips outside the country in which she provided dental care to those in need.

“I feel privileged to have been nominated by faculty, staff and peers to receive such recognition. However, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have been selected amongst all the students at CDM to receive the award! With graduation coming up, the STUEY has added even more excitement and gratitude to my family and I during this time…. without doubt, I’ve given it my all during my time at NSU, and really appreciate the recognition! I personally want to thank all those who took the time to submit my name for consideration, and especially to the committee for selecting me— I’m honored. Thank you!”

Members of the NSU Student Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists receiving their award for Graduate Organization of the Year given by President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D.

The second award received by the college went to the NSU Student Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists for graduate organization of the year. The organization made up of predoctoral, postgraduates and faculty aims to advance, connect and enrich the lives of women dentists as stated in their mission.

“I would like to say that the NSU-CDM Student Chapter of AAWD is an amazing organization lead by dentistry’s women future leaders of tomorrow, with hearts of gold, a work ethic second to none and a vision of giving that bonds female in the dental profession. I am honored to be their faculty advisor as they inspire me every day,” said Sharon Siegel DDS, MS, MBA, professor, chair department of prosthodontics and NSU AAWD faculty advisor.

The NSU chapter took part in various philanthropic efforts throughout the year with participation in the AIDS Walk, Rock Run breast and ovarian cancer run and Feeding South Florida, an event in which the chapter raised over 883 pounds of food. The organization also lent their dental knowledge by hosting tutorials for predoctoral students and collaborating with brands such as Colgate in hosting oral hygiene events. Aside from an active community involvement NSU AAWD takes time for mentorship and fellowship opportunities to empower and support women in dentistry these efforts were led by Nicole Elia, NSU AAWD president and class of 2020 member.

“I have been a part of AAWD since my first year at Nova CDM. What inspired me to get involved in AAWD was how well rounded the organization was. Being a member of AAWD means taking part in community service activities, fundraisers, academic learning and teaching opportunities, and even much needed social events to take a breather from the busy curriculum of dental school. Being a member means building relationships with other women in the dental field and supporting one another in our endeavors. I’m proud to be a part of AAWD and all of the goals we have accomplished each year. The STUEY award was an incredible achievement and it was an honor to be recognized along with the other wonderful nominees. When people ask me about our organization, I tell them that we may be small (in number) but we are mighty! AAWD will continue to make great strides in the years to come,” said Elia.


Summer Time is Scuba Time

Come dive with us during the summer of 2019!


Open Water Diver

  • Term 2: Begins June 18, 2019

This is the entry-level beginning scuba diver course.

PADI Open Water Diver certification is issued upon successful completion of this course.


Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty

  • Term 2: Begins July 17, 2019

The PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Diver Course provides recreational divers with the knowledge to safely plan and conduct EANx (nitrox) dives up to 40%. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives divers more no decompression dive time.

DAN Diving First Aid for Professional Divers

June 29 and June 30, 2019

DAN’s Diving First Aid for Professional Divers (DFA Pro) course is comprised of information from the Emergency Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries, Neurological Assessment, First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries and CPR HCP courses. It meets U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines for workplace CPR and first aid.


College of Psychology Faculty, Students Recognized at Grant Awards

Multiple faculty and students from the College of Psychology were recognized on May 7th at a joint awards ceremony for the 17th Annual Quality of Life Faculty Community-Based Applied Research Grant and the 20th Annual President’s Faculty Research and Development Grant.

In the first category, the NSU Quality of Life Council recognizes projects that relate to the quality of life in Broward County in these areas: foster care, elderly services, criminal justice, autism, adults, children, and families. The president’s grants are an internal granting initiative that provides seed funding for faculty research activities.

In total, 13 faculty members received funding from two grant types. Topics included subjects like an evaluation of a veterans resource center, or assessing brain injuries in NFL players and fighters. Projects were conducted in partnership with outside organizations such as the Broward Sheriff’s Office, as well as with other NSU colleges.

Full list of faculty and projects:

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Physical Therapy Student Awarded the 2019 APTA Minority Scholarship

Congratulations to Ashley Wilson, NSU’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Class of 2019, who is the recipient of the 2019 APTA Minority Scholarship. This is an annual award offered to minority physical therapist students by the physical therapy fund. The Minority Scholarship Award recognizes physical therapy students currently in their final year of an accredited program, and faculty members who are pursuing post professional doctoral degrees for their professional character and academic excellence. The Minority Scholarship Fund and voluntary contributions sponsor these awards.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Masters of Occupational Therapy Students Participate in Interprofessional Learning Experience

According to the World Health Organization, interprofessional education (IPE) occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. NSU students in various health professions are in a unique environment to work alongside one another during their programs of study.

During the Winter 2019 term, students from the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program and Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Masters of Occupational Therapy Program participated in an interprofessional learning activity. Faculty collaborated to develop case scenarios which incorporated a common theme for both groups in their curricula of preventing patient falls. The goals of the experience included communicating one’s roles and responsibilities to patients, families, community members, and other professionals; communicating with team members to clarify each member’s responsibilities; and working in cooperation with those who receive care and provide care.

Occupational Therapy students commented:

“It was a good experience and I liked getting to work with nursing and learn about what they do and how we can all come together for patient care.”

“I liked the IPE activity with nursing! It was also nice to practice evaluating clients and putting everything that we’ve learned together in a case.”

“It was really interesting and valuable to have done this with another profession we interact with often.”

Nursing Students commented:

“I truly enjoyed the experience with the OT students. I believe it brought me more insight on how occupational therapists work and how they help patients.”

“Having the opportunity to be involved in IPE day with the OT students was an amazing experience. It made me realize how much nurses rely on OT for patient safety in the hospital and their home.”

“Interprofessional education at Nova Southeastern University was an extraordinary approach for preparing health care professions students to provide patient care in a collaborative team environment.”


Learn More About Your Family History at the Alvin Sherman Library 2019 Summer Genealogy

What is your family’s story? Have you ever wondered why you are what you are? Learn the stories of your family history by learning the basics of genealogical research.  Find out what makes your story a part of the American story.

This six week series serves as an introduction to basic genealogy research. Attendees will learn best practices,  how to search sources, and strategies in doing genealogy research. Topics covered include the U.S. Census, vital records, immigration research, military research, and a variety of other resources. We encourage you to sign up for all classes.


  • Thursday, June 13: Getting Started  – includes how to document your research
  • Thursday, June 20: Best Library Resources
  • Thursday, June 27: Online Research: United States Census and finding vital records
  • Thursday, July 11: Immigration and Naturalization records
  • Thursday, July 18: Other sources including military and education records
  • Thursday, July 25: DNA Research

For more information:


This program is part of the American Creed Community Conversations

and is designed to engage Americans in reflection and dialogue about their own 
part in the American story, and in acting to shape that story for the better.

This program is free and open to the public

NSU Alvin Sherman Library to Host Out of This World Dance Party!

Launch your child’s summer reading at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library’s totally interactive, energized dance party–where everyone sings along at the karaoke show, no one is put on the spot, and everyone is a star. Join a special meet and greet with Pete the Cat and Elephant and Piggy and face-painting.  The party is free and open to the public.  For more information:

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