Three consultants from the NSU Writing and Communication Center (WCC) presented at the 2019 National Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association in the South (PCAS/ACAS) Conference, Sept. 26-28, 2019. College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) Master’s student, Nicole Chavannes, and alumna, Noemi Nunez, along with NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, Marine Biology undergraduate student, Athena Edwards, each presented.
The PCAS/ACAS conference features interdisciplinary presentations and discussions about popular culture, American culture, and culture world-wide. “I really enjoyed the fact that researchers from a variety of fields could come together and discuss their common interests, the content that everyone is exposed to every day,” Edwards explained. As a regional branch of the larger Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, PCAS/ACAS was more intimate and allowed for greater participant engagement. As Chavannes explained, “Though small, this conference was one of my favorites I’ve attended. All the attendees were friendly and eager to share their work, and overall the conference felt collaborative and genuinely fun.”
About the Presentations
Title: “What We Don’t See: The Relationship Between Actor and Character”
Presenter: Athena Edwards, NSU Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, Marine Biology student
Summary: This presentation discussed perception of characters in our favorite films and tv shows. According to Edwards, actors, as their characters, serve as windows and the faces of the storyworld that viewers consume. Edwards discussed the research and anecdotal observation regarding the inter-relatedness of actors and their characters as they are perceived by audiences. The presentation incorporated the career and audience reception of popular celebrities such as Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Lawrence, and Emma Watson, as well as others.
Title: “Harry Potter and the Curse of Consumerism: How ‘Official’ Fan Spaces in Rowling’s Wizarding Storyworld Limit Fandom”
Presenter: Nicole Chavannes, CAHSS, CRDM student
Summary: Expanding on her 2019 Popular Culture Association Conference presentation, Chavannes presented on Harry Potter, consumerism, and the inclusion of the Hogwarts Mystery game among fan spaces. Chavannes’ presentation focused on the growth of the series and addition of participatory spaces (physical and virtual) beyond The Sorcerer’s Stone (1997) to include seven novels, two film franchises, a play and secondary texts based on titles mentioned in the book series, such as Quidditch Through the Ages, A History of Magic and The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Title: “Harry Potter and the Rhetorical Character Portrayals in the Audiobook Series”
Presenter: Noemi Nunez, CAHSS alumna
Summary: In her presentation, Nunez analyzed the rhetorical sound choices made in the Harry Potter Audio Series (particularly, Jim Dale’s gendered portrayal of Hermione Granger). Although Dale has been positively acknowledged for his narration for the series, there are negative comments on the way he portrays Hermione’s character. Nunez’s presentation analyzed the portrayal against feminist critiques. See the full PCA program here, and learn more about the WCC by visiting https://nova.edu/wcc.