A Seminole Legend: The Life of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper Book Talk Patsy West

In celebration of Women’s History Month, join writer and ethno-historian Patsy West for a discussion of her book A Seminole Legend: The Life of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper (1923-2011). The book, co-authored with Betty Mae Jumper, is a rare and authentic account of a pioneering Florida Seminole family.
Betty Mae Tiger, born to a Seminole Indian mother and a French trapper father, became the first formally educated Florida Seminole, attending the Quaker-operated Cherokee Indian Boarding School in North Carolina, where she learned to speak English. She was the first and only woman elected Chairman of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Her inspiring life is the story of the most decorated member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, a political activist, former nurse, alligator wrestler, and beloved storyteller renowned for passing along tribal legends.
Award-winning author Patsy West is director of the Seminole/Miccosukee Photographic Archive in Ft. Lauderdale and an active preservationist.
This event is free and open to the public, limited seating. RSVP here