NCBWA Picks Sharks Fourth in the South; Two from NSU Preseason All-Region


 Coming off a No. 20 preseason ranking from Collegiate Baseball News (CBN) and third-place projection in the Sunshine State Conference Coaches Poll, the Nova Southeastern baseball team was named as the No. 4 team in the preseason South Region Rankings. The poll was conducted by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association (NCBWA), also naming Samuel Duran and Brady Acker to All-Region teams. FULL RELEASE

Perfect Game Picks Sharks at No. 18 Preseason; Three Named Top Prospects


With the 2019 Division II baseball season coming up fast on the horizon, the Nova Southeastern baseball team received its second national ranking of the month, as Perfect Game lists the Sharks at No. 18 in their preseason poll. The national publication also released its Top Division II Prospects, naming Christian DembyBrock Minich and Garrett Wolforth among the top-40.


Scholars, Researchers, and Academics from around the World make TQR 10th Annual Conference its Largest Ever.

Recently, Keynote speakers, Kathryn Roulston, Ph.D., from the University of Georgia, Sally St. George, Ph.D., and Dan Wulff, Ph.D., from the University of Calgary, and Eli Lieber, Ph.D., from SocioCultural Research Consultants, LLC ( and UCLA joined nearly 240 scholars, researchers, and academics to celebrate “Teaching and Learning Qualitative Research” at The Qualitative Research 10th Annual Conference.

Durig the three-day event held at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), presenters shared 160 panel and paper presentations on wide ranging topics including the latest innovations in technology-assisted research, pedagogical advancements for teaching online, and methodological progress for conducting and reporting qualitative research.

Ron Chenail, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of The Qualitative Report, NSU’s online qualitative research journal, closed the conference with an exploration of the current trends shaping education and publishing today and what these developments mean for future of the journal and its conference. He also announced the theme for the 11th Annual Conference to be held January 15-17, 2020 will be “Contemporary Qualitative Research.”

CAHSS Faculty Creates Winning Cover Design for Uppercase magazine

Winning cover design Uppercase Magazine Dec 2018

Tennille Shuster, M.F.A., faculty in the Department of Performing and Visual Arts in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) created the winning cover design in the design/illustration competition held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Uppercase magazine, “a quarterly print magazine for the creative and curious: publications that spark the imagination and inspire creativity.” Her design appeared as the cover of the 10th anniversary supplement published in December 2018. As part of the award package, Shuster received an honorarium and complimentary subscription.

Tennille D. Schuster, M.F.A.Her approach to the cover design uses abstracted tree rings to communicate the concept of longevity, and to symbolize the annual growth of the magazine. She included a variety of artistic mediums and materials, representing the varied topics covered within the publication over the past decade.

Shuster has received other honors including the Florida Artists’ Book Prize and top prize in the AIGA Miami PosterFest Design for Good Competition. Her work has been published in numerous publications including American Craft and American Libraries magazines and For the Love of Letterpress (A&C Black Publishing). Shuster’s book art is internationally exhibited and resides in public and private collections including the Iraq National Library, Duke University’s Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections Library, the Jaffe Center for Book Arts, and the Bienes Museum of the Modern Book, among others.

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