NSU Celebrates Black History Month: You Don’t Want to Miss any of These Events

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NSU’s celebration of Black History Month continues with provocative panel discussions, jazz in the gallery, children’s programming and more.

Panel discussion topics include diversity in law school, mentoring minority students, exploring cultural differences in working effectively as a psychotherapist within the Black community, and much more.  Additionally, NSU will host an intimate night of poetry and spoken word.

For art lovers, on display through March 3 is the African Presence Art Exhibition, “Face to Face,” an explosion of colorful, mixed media pieces created by artists of Haitian descent. The exhibition may be viewed in the Cotilla Gallery, 2nd floor of the Sherman Library.

For a complete listing of Black History Month events, please visit www.nova.edu/blackhistory.

NSU Research Spotlight: Rare Species Donated to Halmos College Fish Collection

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Nina Pruzinsky taking crested oarfish tissue samples

Over the past several weeks, two rare fish enhanced the Halmos College Fish Collection: a crested oarfish and a sharptail Mola. The crested oarfish Lophotus lacepede was caught on Jan 20, 2019 off South Carolina by the commercial fishing boat F/V Ellen Jean by Captain Greg O’Neill. Captain O’Neill worked with Halmos College faculty member David Kerstetter, Ph.D. when Kerstetter was in graduate school. With the help of a collaborating fish dealer in Fort Pierce, the oarfish arrived at the Oceanographic campus on January 23. The oarfish measure 135cm in length (over four feet).

David Kerstetter, Glenn Goodwin, and Abby Nease discussing plans for the sharptail mola dissection, with members of Amy Hirons’ “Oceanography” undergraduate course in the background.

David Kerstetter, Glenn Goodwin, and Abby Nease discussing plans for the sharptail mola dissection, with members of Amy Hirons’ “Oceanography”.

The sharptail mola Masturus lanceolatus washed up dead on Hollywood Beach on January 29 and was reported by Steve Salafrio of the City of Hollywood to Halmos Research Scientist Derek Burkholder, Ph.D., who arranged with Halmos Ph.D. candidate Glenn Goodwin to bring it to the Oceanographic campus.  It measured 165 cm in length (over five feet).

Both are extremely rare and poorly-known species, almost never seen in fresh condition and rarely even in museum collections. Halmos faculty member Chris Blanar, Ph.D. and Halmos College graduate and undergraduates examined the fresh specimens for parasites, finding several on each fish. The parasite findings are so unusual that this finding is being written into student manuscripts.

Once the preliminary research is completed, both fish will be added to the Halmos College teaching collection to be used in graduate and undergraduate marine biology courses.

NSU Alumni Spotlight: Alum is Faculty and Program Director for Programs in Conflict Management and Resolution and Organizational Development

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Kipi Fleming, Ph.D., 2015 doctoral graduate of the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), is faculty and the program director for the programs in Conflict Management and Resolution and Organizational Development at Abilene Christian University-Dallas.

In addition to her doctoral degree from NSU, Fleming earned an M.A. in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation and a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Abilene Christian University. She volunteers at the Dallas County Dispute Resolution Center as a mediator.

CAHSS Invites You to the The Theory of Creativity Art and Design Senior Exhibit

2019 Senior Exhibitition The Theory of Creativity

NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is pleased to invite you to “The Theory of Creativity Art and Design Senior Exhibit,” held February 20-March 6, 2019. Each year, students enrolled in ARTS 4995 Senior Project within the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (DPVA) get to craft their own exhibition. As a group they collectively select a name and theme, design promotion materials, and market it. This exhibition serves as an annual opportunity for graduating students to curate a culmination of their work while at NSU in a gallery setting. This exposes their pieces on a public scale, and allows them to openly discuss their artistic intentions to viewers. The exhibit opens on Feb. 20, 2019 and runs through March 6, 2019, in Gallery 217, located on the 2nd floor on the north end of the Don Taft University Center.

The opening reception is on February 20 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Gallery 217. Admission is free and open to the public.

For more information, call 954-262-7620, and please visit www.cahss.nova.edu/departments/pva.com for all of the upcoming events.

NSU Alumni Spotlight: CAHSS Alum is Assistant Professor at Dar AL-Hekma University

Lama Haken, Ph.D.Lama Hakem, Ph.D., graduate of the doctoral program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is an assistant professor at Dar AL-Hekma University in Saudi Arabia. She teaches in the Department of Human Resources in the School of Business. Her courses include negotiation, conflict resolution, and organizational behavior.

Prior to earning her doctoral degree at NSU, Hakem earned an M.S. in Engineering Management at Florida Institute of Technology and a B.A. in Mathematics at King Abdul-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia.

Save the Date: Join us for a Day in Havana at the Annual Optical Style Show!


Save the date for The Eye Care Institute’s annual Optical Style Show on April 3 from 11:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. at the Davie Optical located on the 2nd floor of the Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center.

For one day only, all frames and lenses will be 25% off.

The full collections of top brands, such as Tom Ford, Kate Spade, Gucci, Fendi, Nike, Moschino, MCM, Guess and more, will be showcased. Throughout the day, there will be music, food, and raffles in addition to a grand prize drawing at the end of the event!

Come meet Froggy from Y100 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.!

Show Location

The Eye Care Institute–Davie
Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center
3200 South University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33328
(954) 262-4200

Prizes and giveaways only at show location.

MEEC Sea Turtle “Captain” Featured in Hollywood Art Exhibit

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Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Marine Environmental Education Center (MEEC) at the Carpenter House is dedicated to understanding and protecting one of the ocean’s most beloved creatures – the sea turtle. As part of their mission, MEEC staff interact with visitors year-round educating them about these majestic animals, and part of those efforts include the center’s “forever” resident green sea turtle, Captain.

She calls the MEEC home as she was injured and is unable to be returned to the open ocean. Its Captain who inspired a local artist’s latest gallery exhibit: “Captain is Hollywood” by artist Maria Isabel Lazo.

The exhibit is featured at ArtsPark at Young Circle Gallery, located at 1 N Young Cir, Hollywood and is scheduled from January 23 through March 17, 2019. Because of her love of the ocean and involvement at the MEEC, Lazo has created various artworks that are for sale, with a percentage of the proceeds going to the education center.

For more information: https://www.hollywoodfl.org/Calendar.aspx?EID=6710

Creativity Exploration: Positivity and Patterns


Learn about the traditional Huichol Mexican art making of Ojos de Dios and make a protective charm using yarn and weaving techniques, infusing positive thinking and gratitude into the work.

Creativity Exploration is NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale’s and unique series of workshops designed to promote the benefits of creative exploration and the mind-to-body experience. Studies have proven 45 minutes of creative activity a day significantly lessens stress in the body and provides mental clarity and relaxation. in addition producing a sense of well-being, sessions expand our participants’ perceptions of forms, while increasing brain connectivity through visual and cognitive stimulation.

Adult participants will enjoy a one-hour interactive session in an intimate setting with art educator and specialist in mindfulness education, Lark Keeler, she is the current President of the Florida Arts Education Association (FAEA).

Location: Boardroom

Cost: $10 for members; $15 for non-members

Capacity: 25 maximum

Limited seating. Advance reservations required. Call 954-262-0258 to RSVP or use the link below.


Coffee and Conversation at the Alvin Sherman Library


Join us over coffee for a little conversation with award winning author, Beck Dorey-Stein. In 2012, she was just scraping by in DC when a posting on Craigslist landed her, improbably, in the Oval Office as one of Barack Obama’s stenographers. The ultimate DC outsider, she joined the elite team who accompanied the president wherever he went, recorder and mic in hand, eventually traveling to 45 countries around the globe. After leaving her post in 2017, she turned her journal into her first book, From the Corner of the Oval.  Get inspired.  Free and open to the public.  Please RSVP at: lib.nova.edu/Beck.  NSU Alvin Sherman Library 2nd Floor, Cotilla Gallery. This is part of the 2019 Literary Feast Authors Series for the Broward Public Library Foundation.

For more information: http://lib.nova.edu/Beck

Join I Care I Cure at the 12th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run

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Join I Care I Cure at the 12th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run

5K, Mile Run of Color Fun, Corporate Challenge and Family Fun Day

March 3, 2019 at 8:00 a.m.

Nova Southeastern University, Davie

Join I Care I Cure at the 11th Annual I Care I Cure…I Run 5K Run/Walk, Mile Run of Color and Family Fun Day.

 A great opportunity for team building with fun activities for all!


For more information, click here.

I Care I Cure Childhood Cancer Foundation
P.O. Box 291386
Davie, FL 33329

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