Save the Date for NSU’s Inaugural Digital Curriculum & Higher Education Conference in February

The Office of the Provost invites the NSU community to save the date for the inaugural “Going Deeply Digital: Promises and Challenges of the Digital Curriculum in Higher Education” regional conference, to be held at NSU during February 15-16, 2019. Faculty, staff, administrators, instructional designers, and students are invited to submit presentation proposals. Proposals are due December 10, 2018. The entire NSU community is invited to attend the conference.

The “Going Deeply Digital” conference is sponsored and hosted by the Association of Chief Academic Officers (ACAO) Digital Fellows Project and Nova Southeastern University (NSU). The Digital Fellows Project is supported by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to ACAO.

NSU Career Development Host Pre Health Case Competition

All Teams

All Teams

NSU Career Development hosts roughly one to two case competitions per semester, giving the opportunity for students to compete to find solutions for real-life scenarios and grow experience in each designated field. This fall semester, NSU Career Development collaborated with faculty from the Halmos College of Natural Sciences & Oceanography and Public Health Faculty from the College of Osteopathic medicine to host a case study focused on decreasing the prevalence of HIV in South Florida.

Students competed against one another by playing the role of epidemiologists that were sent by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to South Florida in order to combat the prevalence of HIV in the area. The students had to create a task force as well as a plan on how to target the HIV issue. Students not only got the opportunity to grow their problem-solving and presentation skills as individuals, but also had the opportunity to engage in real-world health field experience. Biology & Public Health faculty as well as a representative from the Broward Regional Health Planning Council evaluated twelve competing teams, ultimately crowning the two winners of the competition

The first-place and second-place prizes consisted of five-hundred dollars and two-hundred dollars of Visa Gift Cards. The first-place team consisted of Mahnoor Asif, Jasmin Tarakmi, Daria Ghegan, and Samantha Maldonado, each of which are Undergraduate students in the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography. Kathy Yanes Perez, Celine Wong, Valeria Pardo, and Jessica Hallet, also Undergraduate students in the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, received the second-place prize. Congratulations to all of the winners of the Pre-Health case competition as well as all of the students who participated.

NSU has been hosting case competitions for four years and counting, and the variety of topics as well as experiences and prizes will continue to grow as opportunities expand and more students participate. If you are interested in potentially joining a future case competition, please contact the NSU Career Development at (954) 262-7201 or visit our Handshake page at

Winning Team

Winning Team

CAHSS Provides Workshop on Conflict, Crisis, and De-escalation at Broward Partnership

Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D.Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) provided a workshop on “Conflict, Crisis, and De-escalation,” to staff of Broward Partnership at their facility in Ft. Lauderdale. The Broward Partnership is devoted to homelessness reduction through advocacy, housing, and comprehensive services designed to promote independence. For more information, please go to

In addition to McKay, Claudia Manuel, graduate student in the M.A. in Cross-disciplinary Studies program participated. Manuel is completing her practicum with McKay as her supervisor in CAHSS’ Community Resolution Services, a practicum and volunteer site for students.

Rare Violin “Unsilenced” at Alvin Sherman Library Event

Holocaust Resource Center ViolinRising levels of antisemitism in recent years – and even more recently with the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting — remind Jews around the world of some of the bleakest times in their history. Yet, somehow the Jewish people, their religion and their culture have lived on. A symbol of that strength and fortitude is a violin on display at the Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Resource Center at Nova Southeastern University’s Alvin Sherman Library in Davie. Originally handcrafted in the late 1800s, the violin somehow survived the perils of the Holocaust as well as so much more that Jewish people have faced over the past more than 100 years.

Last Tuesday, the violin – silenced since the Holocaust – was brought back to life by Yefim Romanov, a Russian American violin fellow with the New World Symphony Orchestra.  Romanov and fellow symphony musician, concert pianist John Wilson, performed an extraordinary evening of music at the Alvin Sherman Library. Five Holocaust survivors were among the more than 100 guests who enjoyed the debut performance. Romano truly appreciated the opportunity to be the first to bring this rare instrument–which has a large Jewish star carved on the case—to life.

CAHSS Invites all NSU Students for “Crossroads of the Transatlantic Humanities Student Conference” Abstract Submission

NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) extends an invitation to NSU students to submit an abstract for participation in an upcoming Humanities Student Conference to be held on Saturday, March 23, 2019, on NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie. The conference theme is “Crossroads of the Transatlantic.” CAHSS’ Departments of History and Political Science and Literature and Modern Languages organize the conference.

The conference builds on the concept of South Florida as the crossroads of a Transatlantic world and asks students to develop presentations that explore the humanities and this convergence of cultures, values, and ideas not only in South Florida but throughout the Americas. The Humanities Student Conference strives to incorporate diverse perspectives and topics from a range of humanities fields including history, philosophy, literature, languages, cultural theory, and the arts. We also invite papers in legal studies, political science, national security, communication, conflict resolution studies, and international relations when approached with a humanities lens. Undergraduate and graduate students from all academic institutions are invited to submit abstracts of 150 words or less to Andrea Shaw Nevins, Ph.D., at no later than January 18, 2019.

2019 Lunch and Learn Grant Workshops

The Grant Writing Laboratory and the Office of Sponsored Programs provide Lunch & Learn Grant Workshops on a series of grant related topics. The annual 2019 Lunch & Learn Grant Workshop Series for NSU faculty and staff kicks off on Tuesday, January 22 with “How to Submit a Grant at NSU.” We are pleased to share that the 2019 series will feature nine sessions on a variety of topics. All workshops are scheduled from noon – 1:00 p.m. in the HPD Chancellor’s Dining Room. A light lunch is provided. Registration is REQUIRED so please RSVP at for any or all of the workshops. For more information, please contact Dr. Maryellen Maher at

How to Submit a Grant at NSU
Tuesday, January 22

Finding Grant Funding
Thursday, February 7

Grant Proposal Writing
Wednesday, February 27

NIH & DoD Grant Writing
Thursday, March 7

Federal Agency Reviwer’s Panel
Wednesday, March 13

Grant Budget
Tuesday, March 26

Managing Your Sponsored Project
Wednesday, April 3

CCR Core Facilities
Wednesday, April 10

How to Plan and Conduct a Clinical Trial
Tuesday, April 30

HPD Chancellor’s Dining Room

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Winners of Office Depot Case Competition

office depot case competition

NSU Career Development hosts roughly one to two case competitions per semester, giving the opportunity for students to compete to find solutions for real-life business cases and grow experience in each designated field. This fall semester, NSU Career Development hosted a case competition with Office Depot regarding the marketing aspects of their business.

 Students competed against one another to create a marketing plan to target the entrepreneur and millennial as customers, as well as formulate solutions to increase brand loyalty to Office Depot. Students not only got the opportunity grow their business and presentation skills as individuals, but also had the opportunity to engage in real-world marketing experience and network with high-level Office Depot executives. Office Depot executives evaluated fifteen competing teams, ultimately crowning the two winners of the competition.

The first-place and second-place prizes consisted of two one-thousand dollar scholarships and an additional third-place prize was a one-hundred dollar office depot gift card. The first-place team consisted of Brandan Williams, Greg Williams, and Juelle Thomas, each of which are Master’s in Business Administration students at the Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship. Sheandra Newton, also a Masters in Business Administration student, received the second-place prize. Krystian Dear, an undergraduate business major, received third-place. Congratulations to all of the winners of the Office Depot case competition as well as all of the students who participated.

NSU has been hosting case competitions for four years and counting, and the variety of topics as well as experiences and prizes will continue to grow as opportunities expand and more students participate. If you are interested in potentially joining a future case competition, please contact the NSU Career Development at 954-262-7201 or visit our Handshake page at

NSU University School Speech and Debate Program Earns Prestigious National Club Award


NSU University School congratulates our Speech and Debate program for being ranked among the top Speech and Debate programs in the nation. Our program earned membership in the National Speech & Debate Association’s (NSDA’s) Prestigious 100 Club, a significant recognition as a top 20 school nationwide!

This milestone demonstrates our students’ and coaches’ commitment to developing essential life skills such as communication, research, listening, writing, and organization. The 100 Club Award is given to schools who earn 100 strength points, which are calculated based on student and coach achievements in competition and service. We are extremely proud of their hard work and talent that led to this distinction.

NSU Alumni Spotlight: CAHSS Alum Publishes Article on “Conflict and Crisis in the Cameroon Anglophone Region” and Book Chapter

Michael Fonkem, Ph.D.Michael Fonkem, Ph.D., graduate of the doctoral program in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS), has written an article, “Conflict and Crisis in the Cameroon Anglophone Region,” available in E-International Relations available at He also wrote a book chapter, “Resistance and the Nationalist Pathos: Southern Cameroons’ Exiles Write Bac,” in Post-Colonial Cameroon: Politics, Economy, and Society, Lexington Books, (2018), edited by Joseph Takougang and Julius A. Amin.

Fonkem is an associate professor in the Department of Human Services Leadership in the College of Education & Human Services at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. He has authored numerous articles and was a Fulbright scholar in 1995-1996 at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. Previously he was in the diplomatic service in the Foreign Ministry of Cameroon. His teaching and research interests include refugees, migration, and human services; social issues and solutions; and conflict analysis and resolution. Fonkem is an Executive Council Member of The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.

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