CAHSS Students Receive Honors at the 2018 Southern Regional Model United Nations Conference

The Nova International Relations Association (NIRA) is the Model United Nations team in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS). NIRA recently participated in the Southern Regional Model United Nations Conference in Charlotte, NC. This year’s theme was “Global Interdependence and the Changing Role of the United Nations.”

Over 40 colleges and universities participated including Clemson University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Middle Tennessee State University. Nine delegates from NIRA participated including Celina Mahabir, Joshua Hallinger, Varsha Gopaulchan, Patrick Pyott, Esperanza Bautista-Ulerio, Emily Gillman, Afrin Naz, Haley Tract, and Leydi Mocarro. NIRA participants come from a variety of undergraduate majors throughout the university.

This year the NIRA team represented two countries, Turkey and Ukraine, in five different UN communities. Celina Mahabir argued before the International Criminal Court (ICC), only the second time a delegate from NIRA was selected for this assignment. His committee chair praised Joshua Hallinger for his work on the UN Security Council. Leydi Mocarro and Patrick Pyott received the top award in their committee for representing Turkey in the General Assembly, while Afrin Naz received the same representing Turkey in the African Development Bank committee. At the awards ceremony, NIRA received one of the five Outstanding Delegation awards for their representation of Turkey.

In addition to the student participants, three NIRA alumni volunteered to help staff the event. Mei Pou Ho Man ran the ICC, Vanessa Duboulay ran the Security Council, and Desiree Kennedy served as the Director General. Kennedy has been a volunteer for the last 4 years. It was announced that she was elected to be the Secretary General for next year’s conference. This is a huge honor for NIRA, CAHSS, and for NSU. For more information about NIRA, please contact faculty advisor, G. Nelson Bass, J.D., Ph.D., faculty in the Department of History and Political Science at

CAHSS Alumnus Appointed to the Board of Trustees, King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue

Ghadah Al Ghunaim, Ph.D., doctoral graduate from NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), was appointed by the King of Saudi Arabia, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, to the Board of Trustees of the King Abdulaziz Centre for National Dialogue. Al Ghunaim is also a Senior Consultant at Delivery and Rapid Intervention Center. Her previous positions include Director General, International Cooperation, Communication and Media Department at the Education Evaluation Commission of Saudi Arabia, and Director General, International Cooperation at the Education Commission of Saudi Arabia.

In addition to her doctoral degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in CAHSS, she has an M.B.A. from Johnson and Wales University, Rhode Island, and a Bachelor of Interior Design from King Abdulaziz University.

CAHSS Alum on the Board of National Society for Experiential Education

Teri Tribuba Williams, Ph.D., graduate of the master’s and doctoral programs in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is on the Board of Directors of the National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE). “The mission of the NSEE is to cultivate educators who effectively use experiential education as an integral part of personal, professional, civic, and global learning.” For more information, please see

Williams is the Director of Experiential Education and Learning at NSU. In her position, she oversees Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL) and works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and administrators. She is also a current adjunct faculty member at CAHSS.

Alumni Spotlight: CAHSS Alum is Named Dean of Students at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Jaime Anzalotta, Ph.D., doctoral graduate of the Conflict Analysis and Resolution program in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) was named Dean of Students at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus. Previously Anzalotta held the positions of Interim Dean of Students, Student Life Director, and Academic Advisor. He has also served as professor in the Social Sciences Department.

Anzalotta’s passion for teaching, mentorship, and service have allowed him to engage his students in project-based learning opportunities outside of the classroom including Nicaragua, Tallahassee, Washington, D.C., and in Homestead, Florida. He is a strong advocate for human rights and is involved in advocacy for social justice issues affecting student engagement and success. Anzalotta is also a fellow of the National Community College Hispanic Council class of 2011, and a leadership Miami Fellow of the class of 2011. In 2011, Anzalotta became a fellow for the National Community College Hispanic Council as well as a Leadership Miami Fellow.

In addition to his doctoral degree from NSU, Anzalotta has his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Social Work from Florida International University. While at NSU, he proudly recalls serving as a teaching assistant for Marcia Sweedler, Ph.D., earning a service scholarship, and focusing his research on intrapersonal conflict in the LGBTQ community.

CAHSS Faculty, Students and Alum Present at 2018 International Family Association World Congress in Thailand

Michael Reiter, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Family Therapy (DFT) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), three DFT doctoral students, and an alumnus presented at the 2018 International Family Therapy Association World Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand. Reiter gave two presentations, “Theme Song for Change: Using Music to Enhance Client Resources,” and “Solution-Focused Sculpting.”

Three DFT doctoral students gave presentations. Faith Jung’s presentation was entitled, “Solution-Focused Sex Therapy: Working with Couples who Experience Non-chronic Sexual Difficulties.” Antoinette Edmonds presented a workshop entitled, “Therapist Expectations: Burnout and Supervision.” Ben-Gassendi St. Juste’s presentation was entitled, “Couples, Pre-marital Counseling, and Exercise.”

Wendel Ray, Ph.D., alumnus of the doctoral program in DFT was a featured speaker at the conference. Ray graduated with his Ph.D. in 1989 in the first group of doctoral graduates from DFT. Currently he is the Don D. Jackson Archivist and a professor in the Marriage and Family Program at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

NSU Alumni Spotlight: CAHSS Alum is an Equal Employment Specialist at the Library of Congress

Jorge Rice, Ph.D., 2015 graduate of the doctoral program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) was named an Equal Employment Specialist for the Library of Congress. His position, housed within the Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Programs, involves multilayered work on specific complaints as well as counseling, mediation, investigation and training for all staff members at the Library of Congress.

In addition to his doctoral degree, Rice holds a master’s degree in public administration from NSU, and a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University. The Florida Supreme Court certified him in civil, family, and appellate mediation. Rice has certifications in the EEOC complaint process, as an EEOC investigator, and is certified by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), as an active arbitrator on their panel. Prior to joining the Library of Congress, Rice worked as a contractual EEO Investigator, Mediator, and Final Agency Decision Writer for the United States Postal Service.

CAHSS Alum is the Award-winning Director of Student Inclusion at Jacksonville University

Patrice Abner, M.S., graduate of the master’s program in College Student Affairs (CSA) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), is the Director of Student Inclusion at Jacksonville University. This was a new position and Abner has been able to create the vision and direction of the Student Inclusion Center. Some of her accomplishments since assuming this position include: provide oversight to the creation of the LGBT & Ally Roommate Matching Process, change single-stall restrooms to gender-neutral restrooms, and facilitate research on the Black student experience in an effort to increase retention and persistence. Abner has received two awards for her work. She received the Tim Shakespeare Staff Award and the Friends of Residence Life Award.

Prior to assuming her latest position, Abner was the Leadership Coordinator at the University of North Texas. While at NSU, she was the Graduate Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Graduate Assistant for Campus Relations. In addition to her master’s degree from NSU, she has a B.S. in Communications-Public Relations from the University of North Florida.

Regarding her experience in the CSA program, Abner said, “Being in the College Student Affairs program provided me a strong knowledge base to be successful in the field of higher education. I am still connected to my mentor, Dr. Gay Holliday, which shows a level of care and support that the faculty provide. I often lean on experiences and friendships from the program as I continue to evolve and grow in the profession.”

CAHSS Alum is Vice-Mayor of Miami Gardens

Erhabor Ighodaro, Ph.D., a graduate of the doctoral program in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS), is the Vice-Mayor of the City of Miami Gardens. The Vice-Mayor is a Councilmember selected by the City Council to serve in this role for a two-year term.

Ighodaro is a former Miami-Dade public school teacher and was the Chief of Staff to the late Robert Ingram, Ph.D., of the Miami-Dade School Board. He is the Executive Director of the Dr. Robert Ingram Foundation, and the Miami-Dade School District’s Administrator for the Ingram Africa School Alliance (IASA) “Rites of Passage” Project. Ighodaro is the Founder/CEO of the Oracle Consulting Group, a conflict resolution firm and teaches at Florida Memorial University. He and Greg Wiggan, Ph.D., are the co-authors of the book, Curriculum Violence: America’s New Civil Rights Issue (2010).

In addition to his doctoral degree from DCRS, Ighodaro has an M.S. in Justice Administration from St. Thomas University and a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Florida Memorial University. He is a the recipient of various awards including the United Negro College Fund Hall of Honor Award in 2016

CAHSS Alum are Faculty at Salisbury University

Four alumni from the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) are faculty within the Department of Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution at Salisbury University in Maryland.

S.I. Keethaponcalan, Ph.D., is a doctoral graduate of DCRS and currently is Professor and Chair. Before joining Salisbury in 2011, he served as a Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Keethaponcalan has served as a researcher in several international institutions, including the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva and the United Nations University in Tokyo.

Toran Hansen, Ph.D., is a master’s graduate of DCRS and received his Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Minnesota. He is currently an Assistant Professor. Prior to relocating to Maryland, Hansen was an Assistant Professor in DCRS. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guinea, West Africa and worked with medium to high-risk juvenile offenders for the Focus Foundation of Canada.

Jaques Koko, Ph.D., is a doctoral graduate of DCRS and currently is Assistant Professor. He has conducted training and participated in high-level negotiations in Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Ghana and Burkina-Faso. He also has conducted workshops in many regions of the world, including the United States. Koko speaks English, French, Spanish, and several African languages. He publishes in both English and French.

Vitus Ozoke, Ph.D., is a doctoral graduate of DCRS and is currently an Assistant Professor. He practiced law in Nigeria before coming to the US. He is the Executive Director of Peace and Leadership Africa Network (PLAN), a nonprofit, policy, research, and advocacy think tank engaged in the promotion of discussions and generation of best ideas in the areas of peace and leadership in Africa.

NSU Alumni Spotlight: David Eldred, O.D. (’97)

David Eldred, O.D. (’97), is the owner and president of Advanced Eye Care Clinic in Cheyenne, Wyoming, which he founded in 2010. He enjoys hospital privileges at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, is a recognized speaker for CIBA/ALCON Pharmaceuticals, and serves as Correctional Medical Specialists Optometrist for the Wyoming State Department of Corrections. He is also a state coordinator for the InfantSee program and has worked with the Illinois College of Optometry, Pacific University College of Optometry, Ohio State University of Optometry, and NSU’s College of Optometry.

Eldred is a past president of the Wyoming Optometric Association, the Cheyenne Laramie County Economics Development Joint Powers Board, and the Cheyenne Quarterback Club for the University of Wyoming Athletics Department. He also has served as a member of the board for Leadership Unlimited, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, March of Dimes, and Cheyenne Young Professionals, among other organizations.

Eldred is an assistant soccer coach for Ohio State, a head coach for a U16 boys select soccer team, and club president for a U14 girls competitive traveling soccer team. He and his family also enjoy snowmobiling, motorcycling, and jet skiing, depending upon the season.

“NSU and its faculty were there to assist me in my education every step of the way, providing me with extra opportunities when I needed additional help,” Eldred said. “They made the educational experience for me one that I will never forget. I believe they have a staff of educators that is truly world class.”

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