Education Alum Publishes Article on Symbolic Violence

Nahum Jean-Louis, Ed.D.

Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice graduate Nahum Jean-Louis, Ed.D., is celebrating the publishing of his article “Symbolic Violence in The Classroom: How A Eurocentric Curriculum Excludes & Marginalizes Minority Students” in the journal Belonging.

The article was co-written by Mary Clisbee, Ed.D., and focuses on symbolic violence and how it excludes and marginalizes minority students.

Jean-Louis explained that symbolic violence is any violence that isn’t tangible, for example, verbal assault, racism, using disparaging terms and more.

The article came about after Jean-Louis and Clisbee gave a talk at a conference about diversity. After the presentation, the pair was contacted and asked to write an article detailing their research.

In their article, Jean-Louis and Clisbee discussed how Eurocentrism gives priority to European philosophy and history at the detriment of minority students.

“Minority students have their own cultures, experiences and history, and those are put on the back burner in favor of European culture,” Jean-Louis said. “Minority students are forced to learn from a culture or from a knowledge in which they don’t relate to. And as a result of that, because they can’t relate to it and because their experiences are sidelined or marginalized, they suffer in terms of performance.”

They then went on to explain ways to combat symbolic violence and Eurocentrism.

“One way that I suggested, in my research, to mitigate the effects of symbolic violence and the effects of Eurocentrism is to create a diverse curriculum and to have equity in the curriculum,” Jean-Louis said.

The pair hope that a variety of people can learn and benefit from the research.

“Our message was directed to school administrators, policymakers, and the community at large,” Jean-Louis said.

Jean-Louis graduated from NSU with his doctorate in Curriculum and Teaching. He is currently working on several other projects, including a collaborative book on decolonization in education and a book that focuses on the problems minority students face in the United States school system.

Read the complete article.

Posted 08/13/23

Faculty Presents at International Conference in Iceland

Hinckley presenting at the University of Iceland.

Jackie Hinckley, Ph.D.

Jackie Hinckley, Ph.D., a professor in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences of the Department of Speech/Language Pathology, was one of the platform presenters at the Nordic Aphasia Conference June 14 – 16, 2023, held at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, Iceland. The conference was attended by over 200 experts from Europe, Australia, and North America.

While in Iceland, Hinckley also participated in a meeting of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists. Her presentation was titled, “Characteristics of Good Responders to Activity-Focused or Impairment-Focused Treatment.”

Posted 08/13/23

Faculty, Students Present Research at Public Health Conference

From left, Shannon Parma, MS; Samhita Doranala; Christi M. Navarro, Ph.D.

Faculty and students from the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences recently presented their latest research at the 2023 Florida Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference, July 25 – 26, at The Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando.

Sonia Rao receives the 2023 Florida Public Health Association Undergraduate Scholarship.

Christi M. Navarro, Ph.D.; Samhita Doranala (Department of Public Health); and Shannon Parma, MS (Department of Couple and Family Therapy), gave poster presentations on the social determinants of mental health literacy. Their research presented preliminary findings from a larger mental health literacy study funded by a QOL grant.

Sonia Rao (Department of Biological Sciences) gave a poster presentation on the relationships between suicide and attempts and state-level education policies, preliminary findings from her honors research thesis through Farquhar Honors College. Sonia was also awarded the 2023 Florida Public Health Association Undergraduate Scholarship.

Stacey Pinnock, DHSc., MSW (Department of Public Health), presented outcomes from her program to improve mental health literacy to Spanish-, Creole-, and Portuguese-speaking parents of children attending Broward County schools. Her project was funded by a Florida Blue grant.

From left, Kristi Messer, DHSc, LCSW, MPH; Shannon Parma, M.S.; Christi M. Navarro, Ph.D.; Sonia Rao; Stacey Pinnock, DHSc., MSW

Posted 08/13/23

Community Resolution Services in Halmos Hosts ‘We Love our Families’

Jaime Valcarce

Community Resolution Services (CRS) in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS), hosted ‘We Love Our Families,” on Saturday, July 15, 2023, in the Alvin Sherman Library. This annual event features topics and activities related to peaceful families. This year’s event focused on families sharing meals together and how it enhances family relationships. Easy and fun recipes were shared and as an activity, participants were able to build their own fruit parfaits from ingredients provided, such as blueberries and raspberries.   For those unable to attend in person, Zoom was available.

Leneiya Boose

The main presenters from CRS were Jaime Valcarce, M.S., doctoral student in DCRS. He has a Clinical Mental Health Counseling master’s degree and works in the clinical field; and Leneiya Boose, M.S., a recent graduate of the master’s program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution in DCRS and an advisor at Kennesaw State University.

Community Resolution Services is an internship, practicum, and volunteer site in DCRS. CRS provides workshops, training, and related community events. For information about CRS, please contact Judith McKay, J.D., Ph.D., faculty and doctoral director in DCRS at

Posted 08/13/23

Psychology Students Present at Research Conference

On Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023 from 1 to 3 p.m., College of Psychology students presented in the College’s fourth Student Virtual Research Conference.

Student presenter Kiara Williams

The Zoom event consisted of presentations on Trauma/Bipolar Disorder, Substance Use/Adolescence, and Clinical issues, and were offered simultaneously, which allowed participants to move from session to session. The presentation and presenters were:

  • A Literature Review on Treatment Options and Effectiveness for Anorexia Nervosa in Adolescence by Leeza Camilo
  • Alcohol Use Disorder and the Impact on Family Systems by Kathleen Andre
  • Clinical Recommendations for Treating Latine Migrant Populations that Have Experienced Trauma by Sabrina Dominguez
  • Deafness and Psychosis: All of What We Don’t Know by Alexis Israel
  • Human-Canine Bonding as a Diversion Program for Adolescents with Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders by Morgan Lawrence
  • Medical & Frontline Worker Burnout in the Age of COVID by Danny Bui
  • Neurocognitive Effects of Adolescent Depression by Chloe Christian
  • Peer-Related Social Interventions for Pediatric Survivors of Cancer A Review by Jake Metsky
  • The Intersection Between Bipolar Disorder and Trauma and Implications for Treatment by Ashley Kimbrough
  • Understanding the Phenomenology and Treatment Experience of Bipolar Disorders in the African American Population by Kiara Williams

After each presentation, the student presenters participated in a Q & A with attendees.

Student presenter Morgan Lawrence

College of Psychology faculty Amy Ellis Ph.D., Barbara Gracia-Lavin Ph.D., and Ana Fins, Ph.D., served as the faculty chairs for the presentations, while other faculty served as reviewers. The virtual conference was organized by Nurit Sheinberg, Ed.D., Wendy Burrion, and College of Psychology doctoral students Carly Cohen and Hannah Quimby.

Posted 08/13/23

Shark Shuttles: Free, Easy Way to Travel Around Campus

You don’t need a car to get around the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and surrounding areas.

NSU’s Shark Shuttles are free for all employees—all you need is your SharkCard! The Shuttles are all air-conditioned, wheelchair accessible and run every 20 minutes. In addition to on campus stops, the Shuttles have stops at nearby stores like Walmart and Publix. They also travel across Broward County to destinations such as the NSU Oceanographic Campus and to downtown Fort Lauderdale, including the NSU Art Museum.

For schedules, click here or download the iShark app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Posted 08/13/23

NSU Modifies Safety Policy to Address E-Mobility Devices

Throughout the country, there have been numerous fires and fatalities caused by e-mobility devices.  Many universities, colleges and cities have started to ban these e-mobility devices from storage inside and charging in/on their buildings.

Environmental Health and Safety/Fire and Life Safety recently made a change to the university’s Fire Prevention Policy.  A flyer was given to Housing, and Student Life for distribution to incoming residents and was added to the Student Living Guide.
It was discussed and decided at this time to disallow these devices as a preventative measure. The language in the flyer above is taken directly from the policy.

Posted 08/13/23

NSU PT Professor Receives Excellence in Research Award

Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, D.P.T., Ph.D., PT, CNT, a professor in NSU’s Physical Therapy Department, was recognized with the National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT) Excellence in Research Award at the NANT conference in April 2023.

This annual award was created to honor neonatal occupational therapists, physical therapists, or speech-language pathologists who tirelessly contribute to quality research in the specialized field of neonatal therapy. Fernandez-Fernandez maintains clinical practice in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) since 2003, and she holds a neonatal therapist certification (Certified Neonatal Therapist), which recognizes the neonatal therapy expertise, education, and knowledge needed to effectively serve high-risk infants and families in the NICU.

She is also a Neonatal Developmental Care Specialist. She serves as a board member of the Neonatal Therapy Certification Board since 2014, and is the exam liaison for neonatal therapy certification, responsible for the training of item writers, and development, deployment, and outcome analysis of the international certification exam.

Additionally, she participates in development, deployment, and outcome evaluation of the neonatal therapy practice analysis, leading to multiple publications that explore ongoing trends in this clinical area of practice. She has presented at national and international conferences on various neonatal therapy topics including neonatal referral patterns, safe sleep protocols, and neonatal certification.

She has also contributed to the Spanish translation of the first and second editions of the SENSE program, which provides education to engage families in providing developmentally appropriate positive sensory exposures to optimize outcomes for their infants.

At NSU, Fernandez-Fernandez collaborates with Raquel Garcia, S.L.P., CCC-SLP, CNT, BCS-S, an associate professor in NSU’s Speech-Language Pathology Department, and Daphna Barbeau, M.D., medical director of Neonatal Neurodevelopment at Envision Health and HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) Florida University Hospital, in the Tiny Tots Transition to Home program, a weekly education program series which is offered to caregivers of infants in the NICU at HCA Florida University Hospital with the goal of improving caregiver-child attachment and reducing caregiver stress.

The program is funded by an NSU Quality of Life grant and involves the collaboration of multiple departments at NSU.

Posted 08/13/23

SLP Faculty, Craniofacial Team Hold Boot Camp

Shown in the center right, is Tambi Braun, encircled around her are SLP students and alumni.

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) faculty; Raquel Garcia, SLP.D, CCC-SLP; and Tambi Braun, SLP.D., CCC-SLP, joined with the Joe DiMaggio Craniofacial Team, Kristen Deluca Diaz, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Diana Acevedo, M.S., CCC-SLP, to lecture and train other speech language pathologists at a one-day event for patients and families from the Cleft and Craniofacial Center held at Memorial Regional Hospital Conference Center, Hollywood, Florida, on July 22, 2023. The NSU SLP graduate student clinicians and alumni also volunteered and assisted at the speech therapy boot camp.

Speech-language pathologists from across Florida were trained in anatomy and physiology of cleft palate and resonance disorders, and assessment and treatment of compensatory articulation.

All participants are looking forward to future hands-on trainings.

Posted 08/13/23

Fischler Academy’s Shark Speak Triples in Size

Word of Mouth has helped Shark Speak, the Fischler Academy’s English Language program, to triple in the past six months. The goals of the program are to provide Fischler Academy students with a true teaching experience before they graduate and to offer a free service to families in the community that want to learn English to enhance their lives.

The project started with high school students that needed to learn basic “survival” English to help them get by day to day in school. The program now serves elementary school children all the way to professionals seeking to renew professional credentials. Most recently Shark Speak expanded to include classes specifically for nurses that are ready to enter the health care system.

Shark Speak was developed by Fischler Academy alumna Eloise Nieto and is currently being coordinated by sophomore Andrea Bruno. The free program currently has one beginner that meets once a week and two intermediate classes that meet twice a week.

All classes are free to the public and meet on the NSU main campus in Davie. Interested students may contact Andrea Bruno at and general questions can be directed to Daryl Hulce at

The Fischler Academy, housed within the Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, offers a flexible learning experience with individualized pathways. Upon graduation, Fischler Academy students can expect to receive a guaranteed job offer in one of our partnered school districts within Florida.

Posted 08/13/23

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