NSU Hosted the Hispanic Unity of Florida Entrepreneur Summit

Hispanic Unity of Florida “Entrepreneur Summit 2019” on Friday, Sept. 20, 2019 at Nova Southeastern University in Davie.

The 8th one of its kind, the Entrepreneur Summit took place on Friday, September 20th at Nova Southeastern University. More than 300 aspiring & emerging entrepreneurs connected with dynamic presenters and workshop speakers, exhibitors, and American Dreamer Award recipients during this day-long learning and networking event showcasing the diverse array of businesses that contribute to South Florida’s economy. The E-Summit – presented by Chase – featured a much requested Master Class in the Art of Networking with Networking Guru, Heiko Dobrikow; Keynote Interview with Jim Ryan, Founder and CEO of OutPLEX and Co-Founder, The Venture Mentoring Team; and American Dreamer Awards & Panel Discussion moderated by WLRN’s Tom Hudson. Attendees learned from subject matter experts how to grow their businesses as well as strategies for success.

Predicting a Hurricane’s Intensity Can Prove Difficult – But Very Important

Rapid intensification is a serious challenge for the prediction of hurricane intensity. An example is Hurricane Maria in 2017, which intensified to a Category 5 storm within 24 hours and destroyed Puerto Rico. None of the computer models were able to predict it. A more recent example is Hurricane Dorian, which was predicted to become just a tropical storm, before it rapidly intensified into a Category 5 storm and caused extensive damage in the Bahamas.

An Index to Better Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change in the Western North Pacific, published in the September 2019 issue of American Geophysical Union’s journal Geophysical Research Letters, includes a new operational algorithm that improves prediction of the rapid intensification that may occur in tropical cyclones within 24 hours. The paper is a collaborative effort between researchers from the United States and the Republic of Korea.

Alexander Soloviev, Ph.D., a professor and research scientist at Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography who co-authored the paper, said the new algorithm may be a game changer in the field of hurricane intensity prediction. This new index is expected to contribute to improvements in real‐time intensity forecasts, not only for the western North Pacific but also for other basins including Florida, the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.

“We have  taken into account the phenomenon of the ‘slippery sea surface’ under certain hurricane conditions, which is conducive to rapid storm intensification,” he said.

These results were previously published in the Nature Scientific Reports and the Journal of Geophysical Research and implemented in the new operational index for rapid intensification, which reduced the error of tropical cyclone prediction within 24 hour period by 16%.

“The objective of this study is to improve intensity prediction, especially in a short temporal range of 24 hours,” said Woojeong Lee, Ph.D., from the National Typhoon Center, Jeju, the Republic of Korea, who is the first author of this paper. “We developed a synoptic predictor for intensity change based on the microphysics study of the air-sea interface in hurricane conditions conducted by U.S. scientists from NSU, the University of Miami, the University of Hawaii and the University of Rhode Island.”

While track prediction of tropical cyclones (TCs) has improved steadily over the last three decades, there has been comparatively little advancement in intensity prediction due to the complicated physical mechanisms involved in internal TC dynamics and their interaction with upper ocean and atmospheric circulation.

NSU Researcher Urges the Consideration of Microbes for Space Colonization

With the recent celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo program’s first landing of humans on the moon, the eyes and hopes of the world again turned skyward.

The romantic notions of exploring and even colonizing space have been re-kindled, with the above and more recent movies such as The Martian and the fictional planting of potatoes. The ambitious spirit is further spurred by private space enterprises such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origins, and the idea that we may need a “Planet B”, as our own planet’s natural habitats become more stressed and the human population exponentially increases.

Jose Lopez, Ph.D., a professor at Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, has now joined the movement with a peer reviewed scientific opinion article calling for a rational and systematic approach to future space colonization of Mars or other planets.  He and colleagues Raquel Peixoto and Alexandre Rosado from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro have just published the scientific opinion paper entitled “Space Colonization Beyond Earth with Microbes First” in the journal  FEMS Microbiology Ecology:


Lopez is a research scientist and claims microbes would be a better immediate investment to successfully colonize the red planet.

“Life as we know it cannot exist without beneficial microorganisms,” he said. “They are here on our planet and help define symbiotic associations – the living together of multiple organisms to create a greater whole.  To survive on a barren (and as far as all voyages to date tell us) sterile planets, we will have to take beneficial microbes with us. This will take time to prepare, discern and we are not advocating a rush to inoculate, but only after rigorous, systematic research on earth.”

Lopez and colleagues now assert that this rigorous microbial research agenda needs to be implemented for any future successful colonization of Mars. Moreover, microbes should probably supersede current ambitions to send people to Mars or other solar system locales, as they can condition or terraform places we may want to eventually colonize.

In the long run, the effort will save humanity money, can be life-sustaining and boost microbiological understanding

However, to determine the most useful microbes for space requires a lot more research here on earth.

In the publication, the researchers encapsulate this idea into a potential research regime called PIP or “Proactive Inoculation Plan”, which encompasses the screening of potential hardy microbial candidates, toxic or lethal genes, and describing mechanisms for the most productive symbiosis.

“Life on earth started with relatively simple microorganisms which have the capacity to adapt and evolve to extreme conditions, which defined earth’s habitats in the ancient past,” Lopez said. “Cyanobacteria for example provided most of the oxygen we now breath more than two billion years ago. To the find the best microbial candidates, we will have to confer with many microbiologists and carry out research here on our home planet to find the optimal microbial species. “

Fall 2019 NSU Write from the Start Writing & Communication Center Graduate & Professional Student Writing Group

Working on your thesis, dissertation, article, or grant? Take advantage of the Writing & Communication Center’s Weekly Write-Ins : a dedicated time each week where faculty, graduate, and professional students come together (in person and online) to write and work on independent projects.

When: Monday evenings starting Monday, October 7 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST

Where: Alvin Sherman Library (room 430) or Online via GoToMeeting 

For more information, email wcc@nova.edu

Want one-on-one writing help and feedback? Visit https://nova.mywconline.com/ to schedule your appointment with a writing consultant today!

NSU University School Students Named National Merit Semifinalists

NSU University School is proud to congratulate the 12th grade students who were named semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program! These are high school seniors who scored in the top percentile in the nation on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).

  • Sofia Echeverry
  • Kaiana Kibler
  • Max Pinkiert
  • Ronnie Shashoua

Out of approximately 1.6 million entrants across the nation, only about 16,000 students qualified as Semifinalists! These NSU University School Semifinalists will have the opportunity to advance to the Finalist level and qualify for winner recognition as well as university scholarships.

NSU’S Writing & Communication Center Celebrates its 1-Year Anniversary

NSU’s Writing & Communication Center (WCC) celebrated the 1-year anniversary of its Grand Opening on Wednesday, September 18.

The grand opening in 2018 brought together over 100 administrators, faculty, students, and staff from across the university to celebrate the new writing and communication center. Attendees came to see the new space, learn about its unique design features, and hear about the exciting initiatives taking place at the WCC. George L. Hanbury, Ph.D., president and CEO of Nova Southeastern University, spoke about the important role the WCC plays in supporting all writers in the NSU community. WCC Executive Director, Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., welcomed all attendees and thanked everyone for their ongoing support.

Since the grand opening, the WCC has conducted over 14,000 consultations to NSU undergraduate, graduate, and professional students across all NSU campuses. A few other notable accomplishments include:

  • Embedding writing tutors into all sections of First-Year Composition (including 96 sections in Fall 2019), Introduction to Biology (over 30 sections), as well as in classes such as Speech, Political Science Research Methods, Speech-Language Pathology, Business Law, and Theater.
  • Assisting graduate and professional students with one-on-one consultations, weekly writing groups, workshops, and by developing specialized programs for students in the Fischler College of Education, the College of Osteopathic Medicine, Pharmacy, and Biomedical Sciences.
  • Helping instructors across colleges improve how they use writing as part of their teaching by hosting workshops and developing resources focused on providing high quality assignments and feedback, as well as innovative practices such as multimedia composing, flipping the classroom, and gamification.

The WCC is located on the 4th floor of the Alvin Sherman Library, Rm. 430. This space is designed for comfort and mobility, allowing consultants and students to work together in a variety of ways. This dynamic space has mobile furniture, whiteboards, and distributed technology that promote constant creativity and collaboration.

To learn more about the WCC, visit our website or follow us on social media at @nsuwcc.

Two NSU Professors Receive Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is proud to announce that two of its esteemed faculty members have received Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards. In particular, they have each received highly coveted Distinguished Fulbright Chair positions. Louis Nemzer, Ph.D., associate professor in NSU’s Halmos College of Natural Science and Oceanography (Distinguished Fulbright Chair in Biology), and Florence Neymotin, Ph.D., associate professor of Decision Sciences in NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship (Distinguished Fulbright Chair in Entrepreneurship), have been selected to conduct research at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

Prof. Nemzer’s project will focus on antibiotic resistant bacteria that could potentially be transmitted from farm animals to people. The overuse of antibiotics in the livestock industry has led to the emergence of “superbugs” that may pose significant threats to human health. During her tenure, Prof. Neymotin will focus on the creation and analysis of a Canadian Annual Business Survey as part of her research on entrepreneurship and small business formation.

The faculty members are among the more than 800 U.S. citizens who will teach, conduct research, and/or provide expertise abroad for the 2019-2020 academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. Recipients of Fulbright awards are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, as well as record of service and demonstrated leadership in their respective fields.

The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program and is designed to build lasting connections between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The Fulbright Program is funded through an annual appropriation made by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State. Participating governments and host institutions, corporations, and foundations around the world also provide direct and indirect support to the Program, which operates in over 160 countries worldwide.

Since its establishment in 1946 under legislation introduced by the late U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, the Fulbright Program has given more than 390,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Fulbright awardees address critical global challenges in all disciplines, while building relationships, knowledge, and leadership in support of the long-term interests of the United States. Fulbright alumni have achieved distinction in many fields, including 59 who have been awarded the Nobel Prize, 84 who have received Pulitzer Prizes, and 37 who have served as a head of state or government.

FERPA Training for Faculty and Staff, Oct. 7

Protecting the privacy of students’ educational records is not only an ethical obligation but also a legal requirement for all NSU employees.

Did you know…

  • students can file complaints with the Department of Education,
  • NSU can lose federal funding, and
  • students can file lawsuits against the university and the person responsible can be held liable for a violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

If you are an NSU faculty member or an employee who deals with student records, brush up on your FERPA knowledge by attending a one-and-a-half-hour training session facilitated by the University Registrar on October 7, 2019.

Register for a Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Session

Changing Lives Scholarship Honors Beloved Student

Many people knew and loved Ashley Kaye Hess, a cheerleader, dancer, teacher, and NSU speech-language pathology master’s candidate, before she was killed in a tragic car accident on May 14, 2016 at the age of 28. Attendees at her Celebration of Life were asked to honor her by wearing purple or brightly colored clothing, a fitting tribute to this vibrant young person.

Recently, Ashley’s mother Lisa established the “Make the Most of the Dash/Ashley Kaye Hess Changing Lives Scholarship” at Nova Southeastern University, to help provide scholarships to NSU students pursuing a graduate degree in Speech Language Pathology (“SLP”).

Dr. Tambi Braun, Associate Professor and NSSLHA Mentor, is helping Lisa raise additional gifts for this scholarship fund by providing information about it at the September 22 continuing education program for SLP professionals. Anyone can donate today for the scholarship by visiting https://www.nova.edu/giving/MakeTheMostOfTheDash.

This Changing Lives Scholarship is just one of nearly 70 that have been established over the past few years to help NSU students. These scholarships can be started with a charitable pledge of $5,000 or more, and can be named for anything that is meaningful to the original donor. They can be designated to provide scholarships to students in a particular college, a graduate or undergraduate student, or a student attending a particular regional campus.

For more information on establishing a Changing Lives Scholarship, please contact the NSU Office of Annual Giving at annualfund@nova.edu or 954-262-2127.

NSU Alumni and Community Partners Event, “A Shark Celebration in Clearwater”

NSU’s Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving celebrated the opening of the Tampa Bay campus with its first Alumni and Community Partners event, “A Shark Celebration in Clearwater,” on Friday, September 20.

This 311,000-square-foot campus is the latest addition to Nova Southeastern University, and the biggest of its seven regional campuses. The event celebrated the opening of this new campus, only 18 months after breaking ground, a mission that everyone thought impossible.

Over 200 NSU alumni and community partners joined students and staff to celebrate the generous gift of Drs. Kiran C. and Pallavi Patel that set off the construction of the new campus. The attendees supported NSU’s new student initiative for a medical outreach trip called NSU United with Puerto Rico Outreach, which assists Tampa Bay and Ft. Lauderdale students in achieving their traveling and philanthropic goals.

Following the program, faculty and staff provided campus tours and demonstrations of this state-of-the-art facility. The event concluded with dessert and a warm conversation amongst alumni, community members, faculty, and staff.

To view more pictures click here.

Keep up with more alumni and community partners events by following @NSUAlumni on social media.

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