NSU Team Presents at Seattle Molecular Biology Conference
A team of 13 NSU delegates representing the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS) Chemistry, and Marine Biology majors, and the College of Psychology Neuroscience Major traveled together to present their research as part of the NSU Chapter of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) https://www.asbmb.org/ at the Discover Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2023 Conference. They joined thousands of presenters from around the world https://discoverbmb.asbmb.org/in Seattle, Washington from March 24-28, 2023. Six posters describing protein modeling research projects and innovations in course based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) were presented at a variety of poster sessions. HCAS Biology Major, Pujita Julakanti received the ASBMB Society Travel Award. Eight members of the team received the PANSGA Professional Development Grant and 3 received the Biology Student Award. Projects were funded by the National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative through the Connecting Researchers Students and Teachers (CREST) Program. The team also presented the Master of Science in Biological Sciences Health Studies, Research, and Bioinformatics Concentrations at graduate program fairs held by the ASBMB https://hcas.nova.edu/degrees/masters/biological-sciences.html
The projects presented by the team were the following:
- Akhil Godbole, Pranav Neravetla, Nikhila Paleati, Emily Schmitt Lavin and Arthur Sikora: Comparing Effectiveness of Two Antibodies (Aducanumab and Gantenerumab) on Reducing Amyloid-Beta Plaques.
- Pranav Madadi, Juhi Dalal, Shreya Averineni, Arthur K. Sikora, and Emily F. Schmitt Lavin: Modeling binding of the BACE1 inhibitor aminoquinoline (68K) for the possible treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).
- Serena Sha, Sophie Welch, Ashley Guillen-Tapia, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora: Modeling the binding of ω-conotoxin to an N-type voltage-gated calcium channel.
- Bhavya Soni, Pritika Vemulapalli, Emily Schmitt Lavin and Arthur Sikora: Exploring structural differences between antagonistic peptides for the development of orally bioavailable PCSK9 inhibitors.
- Lyla Abbas, Jordan Nichole Carreras, Pujita Julakanti, Sanjana Likki, Ryan Luib, Isadora Rocha De Abreu, Emily Schmitt Lavin and Arthur Sikora: Facilitating the collaborative scientific process through an interdisciplinary undergraduate protein modeling course.
- Arthur K. Sikora: Quantification of Learning Advances in a Science CURE: Providing Leaning Objective to Corroborate and Validate the Advantages of Experiential Education.
Posted 05/08/23