Halmos Hosts Graduate Science Research Symposium
On February 24-25, the Halmos College of Arts & Sciences (HCAS) held its 4th Biannual HCAS Graduate Science Research Symposium. The symposium included presentations from NSU graduate and postdoctoral students, faculty, & collaborators highlighting research from across the college. The event was organized by a committee from the Department of Biological Sciences in tandem with the Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences and the Student Government Association (SGA). Jose Lopez, Ph.D.; Tyler Cyronak, Ph.D; Rosanna Milligan, Ph.D.; Eben Gering, Ph.D.; Graduate SGA President, Gretchen Spencer; & librarian Keri Baker, all played an integral role in assuring the event ran smoothly both in person and online. The Graduate SGA greatly contributed to the event, organizing & providing coffee breaks, lunches, a banquet, & a post-event happy hour at the local LauderAle Brewery.
This year’s event welcomed two Keynote Speakers, Lauren Toth, Ph.D. & John K. Reed, M.S., whose research the community poured into the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center Auditorium to hear. After the presentations, attendees participated in a vote to award their favorite student presenters. This year’s awards of Barnes and Noble gift cards were donated by the Department of Biological Sciences and were awarded to:
- First Place: Vanessa Blanchard on “Parasites of raptorial birds of South Florida” and Camryn Pajon on “Carbon source driven metabolic buffering determines the co-existence of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa”
- Second Place: Colleen McMaken on “Microbial impacts on loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle hatching success”
- Third Place: Nick Jones on “High incidence of partial colony mortality constrains realized growth for three coral species (Montastraea cavernosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea) in southeast Florida”
Congratulations to the winners and everyone involved for another great HCAS Graduate Science Research Symposium! There is a possibility that the event could become a yearly occurrence run by a student committee in the future. We eagerly await to see what other types of research will be shared at the next event!
Posted 03/13/22