Halmos Partners with Montachem International to Explore Global Plastics

From left, Isabelly Verissimo (Behavioral Neuroscience and Pre-Med), Jerry Murcia, CEO Montachem International Inc., Eve Fatout (Education). C. Avila, COO Montachem International Inc., Valeska Ribeiro Antunes (Political Science).
This past fall semester, the Department of Humanities and Politics (DHP) in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center, partnered with Montachem International Inc. on a case competition exercise titled “Global Issues, Student Solutions.” Montachem is a leader in the distribution of thermoplastics and plastic resins to producers around the world and the initiative provided an opportunity for undergraduate students at NSU to avail of insight and expertise from Montachem personnel while exploring the role of plastics in the modern world. “Global Issues, Student Solutions” ran as a case competition in a section of INST 1500, Global Issues, the introductory survey course in the B.A. in International Studies program. Under the direction of course instructor Ransford Edwards, Ph.D., students engaged in research projects addressing the challenges posed by the completing costs and benefits of global plastic usage. Based on a review of their work by a faculty panel and feedback from officials at Montachem, three students were recognized at a recent luncheon hosted by DHP. Each student is the recipient of a cash award funded by a generous gift from Montachem International.
“We are very proud of our association with NSU on the ‘Global Issues, Global Solutions’ plastics challenge project in 2021,” said J.C. Avila, COO of Montachem International. “Waste in general, and plastics’ waste in particular, are serious issues that seem to require a philosophical change, we humans need to think differently about the waste we generate every day and how we deal with it. The work presented by the students after understanding the depth of this challenge is very encouraging as they presented interesting solutions and ideas but most importantly demonstrated the need to bring this subject up for discussion at all levels in our society to start finding solutions.”
Montachem CEO Jerry Murcia added, “Plastic waste mismanagement has created a global ecological crisis that needs to be addressed by adopting environmentally minded and balanced solutions. Montachem is proud to have supported this project, which in turn has raised awareness of this ongoing problem. The creative solutions presented by NSU students move us towards a circular economy where intentional business decisions encompass the importance of social justice and positive environmental impact.” Both Montachem and the DHP look forward to continuing their partnership, engaging students in addressing this important challenge.
“My biggest take-away from my research is that there are many ways in which we can help alleviate our climate crisis; we just need to agree on a plan,” said competition winner Eve Fatout, a junior Education major.Joint runner up Valeska Antunes, a sophomore political science major, noted, “I dedicated myself to this project because I saw it as an opportunity to do something meaningful while in college.” The other runner up, Isabelly Verissimo, a sophomore Behavioral Neuroscience major, who recently represented her home country of Brazil at the Global Peace Summit in Turkey, said that part of the reason she took the Global Issues class was so that she could explore issues such as this one that fall at the intersection of science and public policy.
Posted 02/28/22