Writing and Communication Center Faculty and Students Present at the 2021 Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference

NSU’s Writing and Communication Center (WCC) faculty and students presented on ten panels at the 2021 Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA) conference. The conference was held via Zoom Feb. 11-13, 2021. The 2021 SWCA Conference was attended by over 400 participants and featured 100 presentations from over 50 institutions.

From the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, the following individuals presented at the conference:

  • WCC Executive Director Kevin Dvorak (Professor) and WCC Assistant Director, Nikki Chasteen (adjunct faculty)
  • Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts and WCC faculty coordinators, Eric Mason (Associate Professor), Janine Morris (Assistant Professor), and Kelly Concannon (Associate Professor)
  • Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (CRDM) graduate students and WCC graduate assistant coordinators, Monique Cole, Adara Cox, Jordan Guido, Anthony Laboriel, Sabrina Louissaint, Michael Lynn, Emma Masur, Danielle Pierce, Megan Provenzale, ‘Aolani Robinson, Carlos Rodriguez Rosa, Meredith Sharp, and alumna Veronica Diaz

From the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences, B.S. in exercise and sports science undergraduate student (WCC undergraduate consultant), Stephanie Shneydman and Speech Language Pathology graduate student ( WCC graduate consultant), Clarisse El Khouri presented.

From the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, Biology and Nutrition undergraduate student (WCC undergraduate consultant), Amber Gulau presented.

From the Fischler College of Education, English & Secondary English Education undergraduate student (WCC undergraduate consultant), Bianca Oliveira presented.

From the College of Psychology, PSY.D in Clinical Psychology graduate students  (WCC graduate consultants), Imani Gibbs and Troy Thisler presented.

To learn more about the NSU Writing and Communication Center, visit https://www.nova.edu/wcc/


About the Panels:

Transforming First-year Composition Course-Embedded Consultant Programs to Meet the Demands of Remote Learning and Consulting (Kevin Dvorak, Nikki Chasteen, Danielle Pierce, Russell Carpenter, Eastern Kentucky University, Clint Stivers, Eastern Kentucky University, Chaise Robinson, Eastern Kentucky University, Jonathon Collins, Eastern Kentucky University)

This panel explored how two SWCA-based writing centers transformed their first-year composition-focused consultant programs to meet the needs of their students and consultants, who have largely transitioned to remote learning and consulting during the pandemic.

Building Connections in the Online Era: Developing a Social Media Strategy Based on Inclusion and Technology

(Monique Cole, Meredith Sharp, Anthony Laboriel, Michael Lynn, Sabrina Louissaint)

This presentation focused on how writing centers can utilize their platforms to build a more supportive and welcoming environment for students through creating inclusive content and utilizing technology.

Transforming STEM-focused Course-Embedded Consultant Programs to Meet the Demands of Remote Learning and Consulting (Kevin Dvorak Nikki Chasteen, Russell Carpenter, Eastern Kentucky University, Clint Stivers, Eastern Kentucky University)

This panel explored how two SWCA-based writing centers have transformed their STEM-focused course-embedded consultant programs to meet the needs of their students and consultants, who have largely transitioned to remote learning and consulting during the pandemic.

Emotions and Affect in Tutoring Interactions (Janine Morris, Kelly Concannon, Elise Dixon, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Rachel Robinson, Michigan State University, Lauren Brentnell, University of Northern Colorado, Steven J. Corbett, Texas A&M University – Kingsville, Anna Rita Napoleone, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Luke Iantorno, Texas Tech University)

This synchronous roundtable examined the ways that emotions and affect are implicated in tutoring interactions and tutor training.

Get it Published: A Conversation with Journal Editors

(Eric Mason, Scott Pleasant, Coastal Carolina University, Devon Ralston, Winthrop University, Nikki Caswell, Eastern Carolina University, Eliana Schonberg, Duke, Ted Roggenbuck, Bloomsburg University, Karen Johnson, Shippensburg University, Julianne Newmark, University of New Mexico)

 This Q&A session was aimed to speak with editors from Southern Discourse in the Center, The Peer Review, The Writing Center Journal , WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, and Xchanges about any part of the publishing process.

Developing a Social Media Campaign Workshop: Bringing a Heightened Sense of Consistency and Engagement to your Center’s Social Media (Monique Cole & Sabrina Louissaint)

This interactive workshop described the experience of developing the SWCA 2020 social media campaign.

Emotions and Affect in Writing Center Administration: A Roundtable on the Emotional Dimensions of Administrative Work (Janine Morris, Kelly Concannon,

Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Middle Tennessee State University, Kelin Hull, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Elizabeth Leahy, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, Genie Giaimo, Middlebury College, Marilee Brooks-Gilles, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Kristi Costello, Old Dominion University, Tabatha Simpson-Farrow, Arkansas State University)

This synchronous roundtable examined the ways that emotions and affect appear in writing center administration.

Transforming Writing Centers: Continual Dialogue on Diversity Training (Adara Cox)

This presentation focused on diversity training in writing centers to encourage healthy dialogue among leadership, staff, and tutors using Saul Alinsky’s ‘dialectic approach’ as the first step in organizing diversity training to better serve minority students.

Supporting Graduate Writers Across the Disciplines (Veronica Diaz, Clarisse El Khouri, Imani Gibbs, Megan Provenzale, Troy Thisler, Janine Morris, Kevin Dvorak)

This synchronous roundtable featured current and former graduate consultants from clinical psychology, speech-language pathology, and composition/rhetoric to discuss their experiences working with graduate student writers from across the disciplines.

Embracing the Pod-demic: A Discussion of Podcast Production in Writing Centers in the Time of COVID-19 (Eric Mason, Michael Lynn, Adara Cox, and Emma Masur)

This roundtable discussion brought together staff from multiple centers to discuss the challenges and charms of producing podcasts to support the work of writing centers. WCC Podcast: “The Writer’s Edge”

Remote Control: Developing Effective Writing Center Training at a Distance (Carlos Rodriguez Rosa, Jordan Guido, Danielle Pierce, Adara Cox, ‘Aolani Robinson, Eric Mason, Kelly Concannon)

This presentation provided access to sample materials developed by WCC staff to train new consultants in a fully online setting.

Leadership in Isolation: Successes and Challenges of a Virtual Consultant Leadership Program (Adara Cox, Amber Gulau, Sabrina Louissaint, Bianca Oliveira, Stephanie Shneydman)

This panel described an immersive leadership development program launched in Fall 2020 aimed to empower and encourage consultants to build their leadership experiences and share challenges, lessons, and best practices.

NSU Associate Professor Publishes Article in Journal of Bioeconomics

Florence Neymotin, Ph.D, an Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship recently had a journal acceptance at the Journal of Bioeconomics for a very timely and critical piece of research. Her work, entitled “Risky Behavior and Non-Vaccination” examines the multiple risky behaviors that individuals choose to engage in, and how they are related to an individual’s vaccination status. Neymotin found that greater sun exposure, poor oral hygiene, smoking, and poor diet are all predictive of reduced vaccination rates, both in the current year and over a person’s lifetime. While the Canadian data for this analysis focuses on seasonal influenza, reasons for non-vaccination tend to be similar across types of vaccinations. For this reason, Neymotin’s work has crucial implications for our ongoing and future efforts to improve vaccination rates against Covid-19 and achieve herd immunity status in the United States and globally.


HCAS Faculty is Presenter for NSU’s Learning and Education Center

Bertha Amisi, Ph.D.

Bertha Amisi, Ph.D., faculty in the in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS) was a presenter for NSU’s Learning and Education Center on March 26, 2021. Amisi’s presentation was entitled, “Using Case Studies to Enhance Instructional Approaches and Students’ Learning Experience.”

Amisi’s research and teaching interests include political conflict, globalization, state-society relations in Africa, and peaceful resolution of conflict. Amisi teaches courses such as Theories of Conflict, Research Design, and Gender and Conflict.

HCAS Faculty Presents at the Third Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit

Elena Bastidas, Ph.D.

Elena Bastidas, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS) gave a presentation at the Third Annual Broward Youth Climate Summit, a Virtual 3-Day Conference Led by Youth and Environmental Experts for BCPS Students in Grades 5-12.

Bastidas’ presentation was entitled, “Climate Change and Indigenous People.” The presentation explored how indigenous peoples constantly track changes in their surrounding environment by making comparisons between historic and present events. And how learning from them can help us to adopt resilient strategies for climate change.

Bastidas teaches courses in Sustainable Development, Environmental Conflict, and Research Methods. Her research and community-based projects include developing conflict resolution capacity-building strategies for governments, NGOs, and local communities in Ecuador, Colombia, and Suriname.


Miami Dade College and NSU Announce New Articulation Agreement for Graduate Degrees in Cybersecurity

In an ongoing effort to expand post-graduate opportunities for students, Miami Dade College (MDC) and Nova Southeastern University (NSU) established a new “4+1” articulation agreement that allows MDC graduates with a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity to seamlessly transfer to a master’s degree at NSU with a special tuition discount.

“We are very excited to provide a pathway to our bachelor’s in cybersecurity graduates to one of the strongest master’s program in the region,” said Antonio Delgado, dean of engineering, technology and design at MDC. “This collaboration will help close the gap that currently exist in cybersecurity.”

The agreement provides assurance that students graduating from MDC’s School of Engineering and Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher, become qualified for admission into the Master of Science in Cybersecurity Management at NSU’s College of Computing and Engineering. Additionally, MDC graduates enrolled in the Master of Science in Cybersecurity Management program will receive a 10 percent discount of tuition.

“At NSU, we recognize the demand for cybersecurity professionals and embrace the opportunity to support a strong diverse talent pool,” said Meline Kevorkian, dean of the College for Computing and Engineering at NSU.

For more information about the agreement, visit http://mdc.tips/nova-cce.

Halmos College of Arts and Sciences Healthcare Theatre Course Trains Future Frontline Workers in the Art of Empathy

When you think about theatre, terms like actor, performance or even William Shakespeare probably come to mind. Do you happen to think of the word empathy? Bill Adams, associate professor/coordinator of performing arts for HCAS’s Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts, is helping healthcare students – and future frontline workers – learn the art of empathy with his Healthcare Theatre course.

Adams designed the course with Melissa Morris, director of simulation and interactive technology for NSU’s Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences. Students enrolled in the course work to develop empathetic responses as standardized patients and play roles such as patients, family members and caregivers. The student nurses and doctors who are training with them receive more life-like empathetic responses in their simulations and offer standardized feedback to healthcare students in training.

NSU began offering the course in January 2020, and it is now offered through the HCAS Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts

The course is open to students of all majors and seeks to foster innovative collaboration between students in different disciplines, Adams said.

“Imagine the nursing major giving feedback on the performance of the acting major in an effort to better perform a simulation – but the concepts are reversible because the actors and theatre makers are not only learning how to craft theatre in applied circumstances, but doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers are learning from actors how to be more empathetic in practice,” Adams said.

To learn more about the Healthcare Theatre course, click here.





Launch of NSU 2021 Grant Writing Mentoring Program for Faculty

The 2021 Grant Writing Mentoring program, hosted by the NSU Grant Writing Lab and Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine has launched with a cohort of 13 Mentees and 13 Mentors spanning 10 NSU colleges. The program supports early stage researchers by pairing them with established researchers with the aim of writing and submitting a grant application by the end of the program period. The overarching goal is to increase the capacity (i.e., knowledge and skills) of NSU researchers early in their careers to find, apply for, and be competitive to receive grant support for their research. This goal will be accomplished through an approximately year-long program that features one-on-one meetings between mentees and their mentors, check-ins with the program’s Advisory Committee, and utilization of NSU’s grantsmanship trainings and resources. Participation in this program will allow mentees access to external grant review of their proposals as well as equip them with their own grant writing handbook. NSU Colleges represented in this program include:

  • College of Computing and Engineering
  • College of Dental Medicine
  • College of Pharmacy
  • College of Psychology
  • Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
  • Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences
  • H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Halmos College of Arts & Sciences
  • Ron & Kathy Assaf College of Nursing


New Student Application, Lazy Text


NSU students now have access to a new text reminder tool, Lazy Texts.

Lazy Texts is a student-made service that sends students a daily customizable text message reminder with all important upcoming due dates (such as assignments, quiz, exams), based on the Canvas account. Lazy Texts is proven to keep students organized, increase academic success, and decrease stress. Student will need to sign up for Lazy Texts at lazytexts.com to use this service.

To learn more about Lazy text, visit  https://www.nova.edu/oiit/lazytexts/index.html

Thanks to the Undergraduate Student Government Association who brought this initiative, leading to our partnership with Lazy Texts to provide their services to all of our students.


NSU Faculty Publish Text on the R Language and Biostatistics


Thomas W. MacFarland, Ed.D., Senior Research Associate (Office of Institutional Effectiveness) and Associate Professor (College of Computing and Engineering) and Jan M. Yates, Ph.D., Professor Emerita (Abraham S. Fischler College of Education), recently published a text on biostatistics using the R programming language (2021; Using R for Biostatistics; New York: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-62404-0).  Selected readings are available at Springer’s Web site:  https://rd.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-62404-0.

NSU Psychology Student Volunteers for the Guardian ad Litem Program

Christina Castellana

Christina Castellana, a first year Psy.D. student in the Clinical Psychology program became a volunteer for the Guardian ad Litem program at the suggestion of her program mentor, Scott Poland, Ed.D. Poland is a professor for the College of Psychology and is the director of the Suicide and Violence Prevention Office (SVP) for Nova Southeastern University. He has extensive background in areas related to school crisis prevention and intervention.

The mentor relationship began as Christina had an interest in suicide and violence prevention and was part of the SVP. As the director of the program, Poland shared that the SVP had several students who volunteered and wrote articles on the topic and were involved in training projects on campus. In addition to involvement in SVP, Poland advised Christina to research the Guardian ad Litem program as he believed it is important for students to engage in additional activities that made them stand out among their peers in a competitive program. Poland himself volunteered as part of the Big Brothers program when he was in graduate school and continues to keep in touch with his “little brother” to this day.

When asked to describe the program, Christina stated that a Guardian ad Litem is a volunteer child advocate who provides guidance to a dependent child and shepherds him/her through the dependency court process. The ad Litem looks out for the best interest of the child and becomes the voice for the child in judicial dependency proceedings. Guardian ad Litem volunteers attend court hearings, have meetings with the child, and submit reports on how the child interacts with parents, relatives, and others.

In order to become a Guardian ad Litem, interested individuals should visit https://guardianadlitem.org to learn more about the program. Once individuals are comfortable with the responsibilities of the position, they should submit an application. The process encompasses an application, an interview, and (if approved) lots of training. These trainings consist of numerous webinar sessions on a variety of topics. Christina added that in addition to the training, applicants must complete confidentially forms and submit fingerprints for background check.

One of the required Guardian ad Litem trainings was presented by Poland, entitled, “Making a Difference: Preventing Youth Suicide and Promoting Resilience,” a topic that covered the concerns with youth suicide prevention, risk factors, and signs of suicide. Participants were instructed on the importance of being aware that foster children, especially those with adverse childhood experiences, are at increased risk for suicide. Participants also learned about the protective factors against youth suicide and how to identify forms of bullying. When asked about how Poland’s presentation impacted her, Christina shared that anyone who works with children, should be trained in assessing for youth suicide. She stated that many children go through traumatic experiences, or they were neglected and/or abused, and as a Guardian ad Litem, she was trained to identify these issues. She added that awareness of issues should not be limited to ad Litem volunteers but to the general public as well.

After successfully completing her Guardian ad Litem training, Christina was recently assigned her first case and she was very excited.

Anyone interested in becoming a Guardian Ad Litem volunteer, should visit: https://guardianadlitem.org/volunteer-with-guardian-ad-litem/

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