A new Sigma Xi chapter was installed on September 19 at NSU. The ceremony recognized the new chapter’s five officers, sixteen additional members, and support from leaders at the university and nearby Sigma Xi chapters.
“Sigma Xi will enhance and support faculty and student research, promote collegiality among fellow scientists, and allow a prestigious venue for presentation of science topics to both the institution and public,” wrote a chapter founding member, Halmos Faculty Member and chair Emily Schmitt Lavin, Ph.D. in her petition letter to Sigma Xi to start the new chapter.
The chapter’s proposed three-year plan includes serving as a research hub to better connect students with renowned faculty, developing skills students can use to obtain research opportunities and funding, and facilitating opportunities for professional development.
Students were involved in the initial inquiry to start the new chapter, and two students will serve on the first officer team. NSU’s executive vice president and chief operating officer Harry Moon, M.D. was the guest speaker at the installation, and the vice president of Research and Technology Transfer Gary Margules Sc.D. was the presiding officer. Sigma Xi Executive Director and CEO Jamie Vernon attended to officially install and present the new chapter.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society is the international honor society of science and engineering. One of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world, Sigma Xi has a distinguished history of service to science and society for more than one hundred and twenty-five years. Scientists and engineers, whose research spans the disciplines of science and technology, comprise the membership of the Society. Sigma Xi chapters can be found at colleges and universities, government laboratories, and industry research centers around the world. More than 200 Nobel Prize winners have been members.
For more information: www.sigmaxi.org