Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Masters of Occupational Therapy Students Participate in Interprofessional Learning Experience

According to the World Health Organization, interprofessional education (IPE) occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. NSU students in various health professions are in a unique environment to work alongside one another during their programs of study.
During the Winter 2019 term, students from the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program and Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Masters of Occupational Therapy Program participated in an interprofessional learning activity. Faculty collaborated to develop case scenarios which incorporated a common theme for both groups in their curricula of preventing patient falls. The goals of the experience included communicating one’s roles and responsibilities to patients, families, community members, and other professionals; communicating with team members to clarify each member’s responsibilities; and working in cooperation with those who receive care and provide care.
Occupational Therapy students commented:
“It was a good experience and I liked getting to work with nursing and learn about what they do and how we can all come together for patient care.”
“I liked the IPE activity with nursing! It was also nice to practice evaluating clients and putting everything that we’ve learned together in a case.”
“It was really interesting and valuable to have done this with another profession we interact with often.”
Nursing Students commented:
“I truly enjoyed the experience with the OT students. I believe it brought me more insight on how occupational therapists work and how they help patients.”
“Having the opportunity to be involved in IPE day with the OT students was an amazing experience. It made me realize how much nurses rely on OT for patient safety in the hospital and their home.”
“Interprofessional education at Nova Southeastern University was an extraordinary approach for preparing health care professions students to provide patient care in a collaborative team environment.”