NSU’s Mock Trial Team Housed in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Won Bid from Regional Competition and Competes in the ORCS

Mock Trial Teams 2019

The NSU Mock Trial Team housed in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), made history by competing in the second round of competitions. They participated in the Regional Mock Trial Competition held in Orlando in February. Two NSU teams competed and one of the teams, Team B, received a bid to compete in the Outstanding Regional Championship Series (ORCS) held in Atlanta. This was the first time an NSU team went beyond the Regional Mock Trial Team Competition.

Mock Trial asks students to assume the roles of witnesses and attorneys, asking them to learn a long and complicated fact pattern that contains depositions, affidavits, rules of evidence, case law, etc.  The students began working on this in the fall, culminating with the regional tournament.

Student participants included: A Team members: Darby Thompson, David Arias, Anum Sameer, Claire Goedde, Josie Cuoco, Emma Heineman, Melanie Chapilliquen, Zoe Stein, and Aisha Jeshaludi. B Team members: Miriam Mahmoud, Kaitlin Ciavardone, Allyson Sanchez, Kaitlyn Castro, Ashton Bryan, Nate Brown, Sanya Rashad, and Melissa Velasco.

Since the team had never progressed this far, they did not have funds budged for the trip to Atlanta. They raised over $2,000 and received supporting funds from PANSGA and from Dean Honggang Yang.

Gary Gershman, J.D., Ph.D., professor and advisor to the Mock Trial Team indicated that, “While the team did not advance to the nationals, this first trip beyond regionals has already whetted the appetite for next year.”

Mock Trial is a yearly competition that enables all students (no matter their major) to work on speaking skills, critical thinking, working as a team, and maybe most importantly having FUN.  For more information, please contact Gary Gershman, J.D., Ph.D., faculty advisor via email at ggershma@nova.edu.

NSU’s College of Education Hosted Alumni Event in Dominican Republic

NSU’s Abraham S. Fischler College of Education (FCE) hosted an alumni event on Saturday, February 16 at the Santo Domingo Sheraton Hotel with over 230 alumni and guests in attendance.

Guests enjoyed a buffet dinner, entertainment provided by a Dominican folkloric dance company, and a singing ensemble from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), the first university in the Americas, founded in 1538. Featured guest speakers at the event included FCE alumna, Dr. Zoraima Cuello, Vice Minister of the Presidency, and current FCE doctoral student, Mr. Jose Alejandro Aybar, President of the Dominican Republic University Presidents Council.

NSU University School Students Named National Merit Finalists

National Merit Finalists

NSU University School is proud to announce that all six seniors who were named National Merit Semifinalists in September have advanced to the Finalist level.

As National Merit Finalists, Michael Gonzalez, Aidan Greenstein, Skylar Ronkin, Naomi Spargo, Alexander Wertman, and Aysha Zackria represent the top 1% of program entrants and will be considered for 2019 National Merit Scholarships. These high school seniors scored in the top percentile in the nation on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).

Congratulations to our National Merit Finalists!

Halmos College Biology Student Fund Announces First Award Winners

Biology Fund Award Sharkbyte 1.jpg Biology Student Award recipients with their mentoring faculty: From left to right: Halmos Faculty member Katie Crump, Ph.D. Award winners: Elizabeth Horta and Elizabeth Feldman, and Halmos Faculty member Jessica Brown, Ph.D.

Biology Student Award recipients with their mentoring faculty: From left to right: Halmos Faculty member Katie Crump, Ph.D. Award winners: Elizabeth Horta and Elizabeth Feldman, and Halmos Faculty member Jessica Brown, Ph.D.

This February, Halmos College conferred its first Biology Fund awards. Biology majors Elizabeth Feldman and Elizabeth Horta were recognized for their overall scholarship and research on volatile organic compounds indicative of periodontal disease. The students will use this award to present their research at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Orlando later this year.

The Biology Student Award Fund was created to support outstanding biology students by giving them opportunities to enhance their time at NSU with experiences outside of the classroom. Faculty, staff, and anyone else wishing to support this project can donate to nova.edu and selecting the “Give” button. Just select “Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography” and the “Biology Student Award Fund”. Donations of $20.19 or more qualify for the Halmos College Graduation Medallion.

NSU University School Students Participate in Career Connections Event

career connections 3

NSU University School 8th grade students had the opportunity to learn from and listen to respected professionals from various industries at the annual Career Connections event. Some of the careers represented included film writing, software engineering, law, journalism, digital marketing, psychology, law enforcement, dentistry, and entrepreneurship in many different fields. Students gained valuable lessons such as the importance of growth, being patient with themselves as they discover and appreciate their passions, and ways to select career paths that they will find rewarding.

Alpha Lambda Rho Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha housed in CAHSS Receives Grant

Pi Sigma Alpha, Daniel Ordaz, Gina Chavez, Kaitlyn Castro, President Tal LubarskyThe Alpha Lambda Rho chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, housed in the Department of History and Political Science in NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS), has been awarded a grant from the national office. NSU is now home to the 826th chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society. NSU’s chapter, Alpha Lambda Rho, is focused on recognizing and cultivating creative student leaders through scholarship and service. Benefits include recognition of academic excellence, the right to wear honor regalia, opportunities to attend the National Student Conference, scholarships for graduate study, best paper awards, annual chapter activity grants, and pathways to student leadership. The chapter received a 2018 Chapter Activity Grant for $675 for their initiation ceremony.

According to chapter president Tal Lubarsky, “Being that the Alpha Lambda Rho chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha is still in its first year at NSU; one of the difficulties we have faced is coming up with funding for events to engage with chapter members and the university. We decided to apply for the Pi Sigma Alpha chapter activity grant in the hopes of providing a meaningful and memorable initiation ceremony for the new initiates.”

Ransford F. Edwards Jr., Ph.D., faculty in DHPS and chapter advisor commended Lubarsky, saying that, “Tal has been instrumental in not only founding our chapter, but also in managing its growth and shaping its values. Her dedication, initiative, and organizational abilities are unparalleled. It reflects in our chapter. And it reflects well on our University.”

For more information, please contact Edwards at (954) 262-8205 or via email at redwards@nova.edu

NSU University School Students Participate in The Global Hour of Code

Hour of Code 2

NSU University School Middle School students recently participated in The Hour Of Code — a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science with one hour of coding activities to show that anybody can learn and enjoy the basics of coding. This is just one of many coding activities that students experience and engage in at all grade levels at NSU University School. Computer Science allows students to nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in 21st-century career paths.

Undergraduate Student Leadership Awards – Call for Nominations

Undergraduate Student Leadership AwardsNominate outstanding leaders in the NSU community for the 2019 Undergraduate Student Leadership Awards. Forms for nominations are available on SharkHub under the Student Leadership and Civic Engagement (SLCE) page.

Nominations open: January 14, 2019

Nominations close: March 3, 2019

For more information, contact Renae Bollibon at rb2005@nova.edu or Garrett Horejsi at gh591@nova.edu.

NSU University School Students Selected to Participate in Law Fellowship

L to R- Matthew Frank, Jordan Levine, Mitchell Jaeger, Madison Epstein, Jack Flairty, Grace Rivero, Asher Jurman, Carla Torres-Viladegut

NSU University School congratulates the Upper School students who have been selected to participate in the inaugural NSU Shepard Broad College of Law Fellowship. These Upper School students have excelled in advanced English classes, demonstrated an interest and passion in social sciences, and participated in an application and interview process.

NSU University School Law Fellows have already participated in their first activities which included receiving the first case they will be evaluating, meeting their law student mentors, meeting the Dean of the NSU Shepard Broad College of Law, and receiving an overview of the state and federal court systems. We look forward to watching these Law Fellows as they continue to learn during this exciting and hands-on educational adventure this semester.

NSU University School Students Selected As Miami Herald Silver Knight Awards Nominees

Jan. 16 edition Silver Knight final

NSU University School nominees (from left to right) and the categories they will be competing in are: Aysha Zackria – English • Ben Myerow – Athletics • Nicolas Barron – Music • Lucas Han – Social Science • Tyler Katz – Speech • Jon Oshinsky – General Scholarship • Sydney Bonchick – Art • Isha Goel – Science

NSU University School is proud to congratulate the seniors who have been selected as nominees for the Miami Herald Silver Knight Awards, one of the most highly regarded student awards programs in the nation. These outstanding students are being recognized for their commitment to academics and for generously applying their specialized knowledge and talents to give back to their schools and communities. All nominees will be interviewed by a panel of judges who will select one Silver Knight and three Honorable Mentions in various categories. Winners will be announced at the award ceremony in the spring.

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