Coulter Named Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at NSUCO

Stacey Coulter

Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry (NSUCO) is pleased to announce that Stacey Coulter, O.D., M.S., FAAO, FCOVD, has been named Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs.

In this newly created position, Coulter will direct and evaluate the college’s clinical program and teaching functions to ensure they are aligned with our education and research goals. Coulter’s immense leadership experience makes her the perfect candidate to ensure the quality of clinical experiences for students and residents.

Coulter received her O.D. degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in 1991 and continued to complete her residency in Pediatric Optometry and Vision Therapy at PCO in 1992.  She also received her MS degree in Exceptional Student Education from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2012.

As a professor, she taught in the classroom, clinic, and residency program and is active the clinical research in Pediatric Optometry. She also oversaw the Vision in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Service which provides vision care to children and adults with autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Coulter’s years of knowledge, experience, and involvement with our program and faculty will be invaluable and provide for a seamless transition into this new role to advance our clinical program.

Posted 11/05/23

USchool Robotics Teams Score High in Competition

NSU University School Middle School Robotics teams delivered impressive results at the 2nd Annual Great Philosopher’s Get Together.

Notably, Team 63724B finished second place in skills, qualification matches, and in finals, and is now ranked #1 in the state for skills. Team 63724A finished seventh in qualification matches and third place in skills, and is now ranked #2 in the state for skills. Among the 29 teams competing, just four of them were middle school teams.

Learn more about NSU University School’s college preparatory program for students in Preschool – Grade 12 at

Posted 10/22/23

Halmos Professor Coauthors Study with Canadian Scientists

Louis Nemzer, Ph.D.

NSU Professor Louis R. Nemzer, Ph.D., of the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences recently coauthored a research study with scientists from the University of Ottawa about the effect of network connectivity on the probability that a novel trait will evolve in a spatially separated population.

This collaboration started when Prof. Nemzer was visiting Canada as a Fulbright distinguished research chair on a Sabbatical during the 2019-2020 academic year. Evolutionary graph theory (EGT) is a field of study that attempts to describe organisms that live on separate patches connected by possible migration paths. The researchers felt that the previously used EGT models did not capture the nuances of real life, so Nemzer wrote a new agent-based model that kept track of each simulated bacterium individually.

The in silico results were compared with in vitro experiments with real bacteria, which helped support the conclusion that network connectivity can, in some situations, increase the chance a favorable mutation will eventually become widespread in a population. This work can help explain the ways antibiotic resistance can emerge, especially in settings that contain disparate locations, such as a hospital or neighborhood.

“I want to thank my amazing colleagues at the University of Ottawa, as well as the Fulbright program for promoting international cooperation on projects that impact all of humanity, such as the challenge of antibiotic resistance,” Prof. Nemzer said.

The research was just published in Evolution Letters, which is ranked among the top 15 journals in the field of Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics.

Posted 10/22/23

NSU Makes Strong Showing at SENDCon Regional Meeting

NSU Davie and Tampa campuses were well represented at the recent SENDCon meeting in Atlanta, Ga., with two of our colleges in attendance – Pharmacy and Psychology/Neuroscience.

SENDCon, which stands for the Southeastern Neurodegenerative Disease Conference, is a new regional meeting whose parent organization is the Alzheimer’s Association USA: Last year (2022) the meeting was supposed to take place in Bonita Springs, but a hurricane canceled it. There were about 200 people in attendance in-person and another 200 or so who attended virtually at the 2023 meeting. There were several posters presented by NSU.

Posted 10/22/23

University School Earns Spot on AP School Honor Roll

NSU University School has earned a place on the College Board’s AP School Honor Roll for the 2022-23 school year. The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that have done outstanding work to welcome more students into AP courses and support them on the path to college success. NSU University School is being further recognized with the AP Access Award, which honors schools that encourage underrepresented minority students to take AP courses.

Learn more about NSU University School’s college preparatory program for students in Preschool – Grade 12 at

Posted 10/22/23

Halmos Department of Humanities & Politics Awarded Grant

From left, Jeremy Weissman, Kathleen Doll, Amanda Furiasse, Teng Li, Yair Solan, and Yvette Fuentes.

Florida Humanities, the statewide, nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has awarded the Department of Humanities & Politics with a Broadcasting Hope Media Grant to support Florida 2100: Tales of Tomorrow, a public podcast series.

Florida 2100 uses the power of storytelling to shed light on the challenges and opportunities the state of Florida faces in the 21st century. This podcast series aims to bring together scholarly experts, community voices, and artists to examine topics such as environmental sustainability, linguistic diversity, technological innovation, and cultural resilience, all while envisioning Florida’s potential in the year 2100.

According to Professor Furiasse “The grant offers a unique opportunity to develop innovative, humanities programming that can reach a broad audience and foster a more informed and proactive citizenry invested in Florida’s long-term well-being and sustainability, ultimately contributing to a brighter, more resilient future.”

Funding for this program was provided through a grant from Florida Humanities with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of Florida Humanities or the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Posted 10/22/23

Professor to be Inducted Into Global Healthcare Hall of Fame

Farzanna Haffizulla

On Nov. 9, 2023, in London, England, Farzanna S. Haffizulla, M.D., MACP FAMWA, will be the first woman inducted into the Global Healthcare Hall of Fame for her work with the Caribbean Diaspora. Haffizulla is a professor with the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine. The ceremony will be a black-tie event in London with a formal presentation to awardees. Years ago, when Haffizulla just started at NSU, she received a Global Award from them as The Most Outstanding Advocate of Integrated Community Care in the World in 2017.

Congratulations, Dr. Haffizulla!

Posted 10/08/23

12 Upper School Students Earned Academic Honors

NSU University School is proud to congratulate the 12 Upper School students who earned prestigious academic honors from College Board’s National Recognition Programs including the National Hispanic and African American recognition awards.

College Board grants this recognition to high-achieving African American and Hispanic students who scored in the top 10% on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10 within the program by state, earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP exams, and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Students can include this academic honor in college and scholarship applications to help them connect with colleges and universities across the nation and stand out in the admissions process.

Congratulations Sharks, we are so proud of your academic achievements and demonstrating hard work in preparing for success in college and beyond. You have a bright future ahead of you!

Learn more about NSU University School’s college preparatory program for students in Preschool – Grade 12 at

Posted 10/08/23

Honors Student Awarded Phi Kappa Phi Grant

Honors student Emma Bryant

Honors student Emma Bryant recently was awarded a study abroad grant worth $1,000 from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi — the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Bryant is one of 125 students nationwide to receive the award.

“I was very excited to receive the Phi Kappa Phi Study abroad grant to support my summer abroad,” she said. “I am thankful for the financial support that contributed to my time abroad.”

The grants are designed to support undergraduates, both members and nonmembers from campuses that have Phi Kappa Phi chapters, as they seek expanded knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.

Currently a senior majoring in public health and part of the Honors in Major program, Bryant used the grant to study abroad in South Africa.

“I chose South Africa as my study abroad location because it is a unique location with varying health needs,” she said. “I knew there would be opportunities to use my public health skills while doing an internship. South Africa is a beautiful country and Cape Town is picturesque with mountains, oceans, and wildlife.”

The selection process for a study abroad grant is based on the applicant’s academic achievement, campus and community service, relation of travel to academic preparation and career goals, a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and acceptance into a study abroad program. Each recipient receives $1,000 to be applied toward travel abroad.

Established in 2001, the Study Abroad Grant Program is part of the Society’s robust portfolio of award and grant programs, which gives $1.3 million each year to outstanding students and members through graduate and dissertation fellowships, funding for post-baccalaureate development, and grants for local, national ,and international literacy initiatives.

Learn more about the Study Abroad Program and other Phi Kappa Phi awards.

Posted 10/08/23

University School Speech/Debate Team Off to Good Start

Our Speech and Debate team started off its 2023-24 season at the University of Kentucky Opener with four of our varsity debaters and earned top recognitions. We are proud of these Sharks for their success and hard work. Looking forward to a FINtastic season!

  • Eva Egozi ranked individually as the 4th best speaker at the tournament.
  • Lilian Anderson and Eva Egozi placed in the Top 8 teams for policy debate, earning their first bid to the Tournament of Champions for the season, and the first for policy debate in over a decade.
  • Ilan Arias and Sofia Teifeld received other notable achievements.

Learn more about NSU University School’s college preparatory program for students in Preschool – Grade 12 at

Posted 09/24/23

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