Halmos Political Science Majors Present at Research Conference
Political science majors from the Department of Humanities and Politics in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center presented original research at the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference in Washington, D.C.
Ransford Edwards, Ph.D., faculty member in the department, accompanied the students and chaired panels. The students gave the following presentations:
- Kiara Colman: “Unspoken. Unseen. Unprotected. An Analytical Investigation into the Public’s Perception on Immigration Levels”
- Gabriella Fidanze: “Too Tough on Crime? The Relationship Between State Political Ideology and Incarceration Rates”
- David Holger Mahnke: “The ideal of Olympic Peace: Can Sport Help Bring the Ukraine War to a Swift End?”
- Casey Homorody: “Compulsory Voting and Governmental Effectiveness: How Mandatory Voting Improves Democratic Function”
The first night of the conference featured a career reception where the students met professionals in fields such as government and nonprofit management.
In addition to the conference, the group visited some of the highlights of Washington, including the National Mall, the White House, the Capitol and several museums.
Posted 03/17/24