Dental Missions Treats over 1,000 Patients Abroad
While the summer season may call for time off from classes, labs and the daily view of teeth, members of the dental mission’s organization at the College of Dental Medicine spent the months of May and June providing oral care in underserved areas of the Caribbean.
The first trip of the year took place in May in the Dominican Republic where the elementary school, Ramon Matias Mella in Santo Domingo served as the practice location for our students and faculty. Check-ups, cleanings and extractions were led by our faculty with our students taking part under supervision.
For nearly a week our faculty and students were split into teams as they not only provided oral care but instructed the community on proper oral hygiene practices for long term health. Though the days were long and full of many responsibilities, students enjoyed not only providing care but seeing the beauty of the island. From interacting with the locals in and out of the practice to spending time at the beautiful Boca Chica beach the experience was one to remember as it concluded with CDM being able to provide care for over 531 patients, an experience that second year student Laura Suris will always be remembered.
“One of the best decisions was to go on this mission trip to the DR! We had an incredible group of passionate and dedicated professors and soon to be dentists! Thank you to the incredible people of the DR that trusted us and put in our hands their oral health care needs,” wrote Suris.
In the same way, the June mission trip to Jamaica was full of hard work, challenges and a chance for our students to get hands-on experiences. Our dental teams spent the week in Ocho Rios, Kingston and in local and historic places such as Saint Mary Parish in Port Maria.
While several students have previously been to the island on previous trips, second year dental student Darren Morgan has a special connection with the island as it has been a decade since last seeing his family in Jamaica. Morgan took to heart the chance to not only reunite with his grandmother and aunt but to have them see him in action performing dental work.
“I am beyond humbled by my time in Jamaica on our 10-day Mission Trip. In total, we treated 665 dental patients, including my grandmother and aunt. It had been over 10 years since I had last seen them. Having them see me in action was emotional on so many different levels. I am grateful to all who helped make this mission trip possible. Giving back to the country that my family calls home was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life thus far,” said Morgan.
CDM aims to continue its active tradition in participating in its yearly mission trips. Fundraisers, donations and our dedicated students and faculty continue to provide us with the tools and resources to give back in the best way possible, providing healthy smiles for those in need.