NSU Shepard Broad College of Law is Ranked Nationally in Heath Law and Legal Research and Writing by U.S. News & World Report

Nova Southeastern University’s (NSU) Shepard Broad College of Law Health Law program has been ranked 56th nationally and the Legal Research and Writing program is ranked 20th nationally by U.S. News & World Report. Schools in the specialty rankings are ranked based solely on the number of nominations received from U.S. law school faculty who teach in that specialty.
These successes are due to the teaching, scholarship, and broad interdisciplinary engagement of the NSU Law faculty and staff and NSU leadership. “Our faculty have developed exemplary national programs in both these specialties,” said Jon M. Garon, Dean of the law school. “They bring their national expertise into the classroom and community on a daily basis.” As experts in their field, the faculty in these two programs continue to focus on student success through engaging research and national symposiums, conferences and publications.
The Health Law program at NSU emphasizes the main areas of the health law practice and offers a diverse and varied curriculum for students to become health law practitioners and policy makers. NSU Law continues its interprofessional collaboration with the NSU health professions colleges in providing engaging research between disciplines as well as commitment to community efforts to effect legislative issues.
NSU Law Legal Research and Writing offers a student-centered approach to legal writing instruction that integrates legal analysis with practical skills and professionalism. Our exceptional LRW faculty members have diverse practice expertise and are active leaders with the Legal Writing Institute and the Association of Legal Writing Directors. In addition to LRW, faculty members teach a wide array of courses, including experiential and doctrinal classes. Like all NSU Law faculty, they pride themselves on their commitment to student and community involvement.
For additional information, contact Kathleen Perez at Kperez1@nova.edu or 954 262-6295.