NSU University School Students Win First Place and Second Place in Regional Stock Market Competition


NSU University School is proud to congratulate our two fifth grade student teams on winning 1st and 2nd place in the Stock Market Game’s South Florida Elementary Division. At the start of the year, students were given a hypothetical $100,000 in listed stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to build and manage a diversified portfolio, engaging in the world of economics, investing, and personal finance. Students worked together in teams to invest strategically and maximize the return of their portfolios. At the end of the program, the first-place team had a portfolio valued at $125, 582.05, and the second-place team’s portfolio was valued at $109,668.74. Way to go, Sharks!


1st place – David B. and Reed C. (portfolio valued at $125,582.05)


2nd place – Nolan A. and Max B. (portfolio valued at $109,668.74)