Student Academy of Audiology Wins National Chapter Challenge

ABOVE: Austin Barr (AuD Class of 2025) and Victor Garcia (AuD Class of 2025) participate in NSU CommunityFest 2022 distributing literature on SAA, audiology, and protecting your hearing. BELOW: Emilie Vos (AuD Class of 2023) and Marisol Rodriguez (AuD Class of 2025) at Fall Festival Day raising money for SAA.

The Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) at NSU has been participating in National SAA Chapter Challenges alongside other SAA chapters at universities throughout the country. The goal of these challenges is to advance relationships between all SAA chapters, grow engagement in the profession of Audiology, and build a sense of community amongst audiology students. The chapter challenges are divided into five main categories: Advocacy, Education, Humanitarian, Fundraising, and Diversity & Inclusion. Included below are a some of the activities our chapter did while participating in this challenge.

  • Advocated for Humanitarian Month/World Hearing Day via a social media campaign.
  • Emailed our state representatives regarding current legislative issues or bills in audiology to help advocate for our profession.
  • Organized a fall festival fundraiser as a chance to take a study break and raise money for the American Academy of Audiology Political Action Committee.
  • Presented to undergraduate students about the field of audiology, the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program at NSU, and the mission of the SAA.
  • Collected canned goods to donate to the Broward Pantry food drive.
  • Wrote holiday letters and cards to local veterans and individuals living in nursing homes while celebrating “Friendsgiving.”
  • Performed hearing screenings at local schools in our community.
  • Completed a clear mask fundraiser and donated the proceeds to local hospitals.
  • Participated in the “All Ears” intramurals volleyball team.
  • Completed a Penny Wars competition fundraiser between first, second, and third years to raise money for Ukraine.

The SAA chapter here at NSU received first place overall among all participating universities for the 2021-2022 National SAA Chapter Challenges!

For more information, please visit

Posted 04/10/22