University School Speech and Debate Team Wins Top Awards

Our Speech and Debate team started off its 2022-23 season as the University of Kentucky Season Opener where they competed against 150 schools and earned top recognition, including a first place win!
Join us in congratulating our Sharks for their success and hard work. It is going to a FINtastic season!
- Charlotte Reitman: placed 1st in Extemporaneous Speaking, earning her first bid to the Tournament of Champions
- Ilan Arias & Maria Riofrio: placed 2nd in Public Forum Debate, earning their first bid to the Tournament of Champions
- Lilian Anderson & Eva Egozi: placed 11th in Varsity Policy Debate
- Logan Bratter & Samantha Hernandez: placed in the top 50 of Public Forum Debate
Learn more about NSU University School’s college preparatory program for students in Preschool – Grade 12 at
Posted 09/25/22